
An export in international trade is a good or service produced in one country that is sold into another country. The seller of such goods and services is an exporter; the foreign buyer is an importer. Exportation of goods often requires the involvement of customers authorities. From the buyer's point of view an export is an import.



AU: Aarhus University · 1 January 2017 English

“The socialist system has won in our country,” Antonín Novotný, the leader of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia, triumphantly declared at a national party conference on July 5, 1960, and …

it back.”16 The promotion of trade and British exports was a recurrent theme in annual country reports

The National Archives · 1 January 1982 English

A file of correspondence and reports concerning a country assessment paper for East Germany. The documents include drafts of the final report on the demography and geography of East Germany; …

reduce its hard currency indebtedness by boosting exports to the West while severely cutting imports. It come its short term debt problems. UK visible exports to the GDR were £94 million in 1980 and £82.9 I^cCc 0f 1982 UK exports were 285- down on the same period in 1981. invisibie exports (chiefly banking to be worth about as much as bilateral visible exports, but no figures I . are available. £ESID to up-date involves exhcanges of scientific and other academic exports as well as cultural manifestations. (d) Visits

The National Archives · 1 January 1982 English

Payments 1978 1979 1980 1981 US$ M I L L Exports 7405 8863 10491 10625 Imports -7508 -8513 CONFIDENTIAL » . • Foreign Trade (a) Main Exports 1975 1980 % Equipment for chemical, timber UK Exports 23,610 35,242 Total UK Imports 7,412 14,425 £ m i 1 1 Real Growth of Exports (five d i n g ) na -5.1 % p . a . Position on UK Exports League Table 83 81 (of 1 5 l l (iv) Development Debt Service Ratio 60 44 33 (b) Overseas Debt/Exports 276 183 190 (c) Overseas Debt/GNP 15 13 10

The National Archives · 1 January 1982 English

A file of correspondence and reports concerning the economic situation in Hungary. The documents cover Hungarian requests for loans from the Bank of International Settlements; the involvement of the Bank …

surplus. This was to be achieved by increasing exports from $2400 million in the first half year to $2930 subscription): and the radical increase in hard currency exports always seemed unlikely to be achieveable. The

The National Archives · 1 January 1982 English

roubles worth of tableware (128.8/0). Coal Exports 3- A recent issue of the Katowice Party daily and defined future volumes of Polish hard coal exports to Czechoslovakia. Unfortunately', no further details

The National Archives · 1 January 1982 English

Soviet hard currency earnings came from energy exports. Afghan natural gas has been piped to the Soviet actually continued to develop, and imports and exports had grown. "The significance of the continuing

The National Archives · 1 January 1982 German

A file containing documents concerning visits to Berlin by senior European Economic Community officials. Subjects covered in the file include a visit by the president of the European Commission, Gaston …

perhaps worth mentioning: (i) 1980 over 37$ of exports by the Nine outside the Community went to non-European countries; the Community bought 27$ of all the exports of the developing countries. (Li) The Community 115$ during the period 1973-81, while Community exports rose by only 20$; despite major restructuring Community takes 31$ of developing countries' textile exports, well ahead of USA (2 4$) and Japan (9$). 3- trade with the Community - their earnings from exports to the Community are well in excess of the official

The National Archives · 1 January 1982 English


The National Archives · 1 January 1982 English

A file of documents concerning Anglo-Czechoslovak political relations. Subjects discussed in the file include the settlement of British financial claims against Czechoslovakia; the return of wartime gold to Czechoslovakia; Anglo-Czechoslovak …

see an increase in trade, notably Czechoslovak exports to the UK. In the past our efforts to increase

The National Archives · 1 January 1982 Russian

A file of correspondence and reports concerning the Soviet attitude to the Falklands War. The documents cover Soviet statements on the crisis; Soviet appeals for a diplomatic solution; articles published …

reported to have been asking for payment for grain exports to the Soviet Union in advance or at the time

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