
Communism (from Latin communis, 'common, universal') is a philosophical, social, political and economic ideology and movement whose ultimate goal is the establishment of a communist society, namely a socioeconomic order structured upon the ideas of common ownership of the means of production and the absence of social classes, money and the state.Communism includes a variety of schools of thought which broadly include Marxism and anarcho-communism as well as the political ideologies grouped around both, all of which share the analysis that the current order of society stems from capitalism, its economic system and mode of production, namely that in this …



24 May 2022 English

British Society 1939-1951 provides access to thousands of documents from the collections of eleven U.K. government departments, each responsible for dealing with and reporting on the domestic situation in Britain …

propaganda. ● Intelligence reports on Fascism, Communism, Pacifism and the public response to the release

11 May 2022 English

Secret Files from World Wars to Cold War provides access to British government secret intelligence and foreign policy files from 1873 to 1953, with the majority of files dating from …

in Palestine ● The rise of Communism in China and the spread of communism to South-East Asia ● The Korean

5 May 2022 English

Dr. Mark Allinson, University of Bristol; Professor Csaba Békés, Corvinus University of Budapest; Dr. Peter Bugge, Aarhus University; Professor Melissa Feinberg, Rutgers University; Dr. Hope M. Harrison, The George Washington …

net/artifacts/2389587/east-germany-berlin-and-escapes-from-communism-in-the-late-cold-war/3410803/ appeared on the

4 May 2022 English

Cold War Eastern Europe provides access to thousands of files from the political departments of the U.K. Foreign Office responsible for dealing with and reporting on the Soviet Union and …

and the space race. ● Testimonies of life under communism, contained in the files as records of conversations

AU: Aarhus University · 1 January 2017 English

“The socialist system has won in our country,” Antonín Novotný, the leader of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia, triumphantly declared at a national party conference on July 5, 1960, and …

enter this stage in its development towards communism, which Stalin had claimed for the Soviet Union general surveys of the region’s history under Communism see Joseph Rothschild and Nancy M. Wingfield, Europe see Paulina Bren and Mary Neuburger, eds., Communism Unwrapped: Consumption in Cold War Eastern Europe

1 January 2017 English

Soon after the Allies defeated Germany in World War II, the country became the central battleground of the Cold War between the communist East and democratic, capitalist West. To prevent …

East Germany, Berlin, and Escapes from Communism in the late Cold War Hope M. Harrison Professor of History -democratic-republic-gdr/3396939/ a sea of communism.12 Until the East German leaders built the Berlin

1 January 2017 English

After George Orwell published his novel in 1949 about a dystopian future world dominated by a totalitarian regime, 1984, many people saw much of what he described come to life …

East Germans, Berlin, and Escapes from Communism in the late Cold War Hope M. Harrison Professor of History Harrison, “East Germans, Berlin, and Escapes from Communism in the late Cold War.” • Optional: George Orwell net/artifacts/2389587/east-germany-berlin-and-escapes-from-communism-in-the-late-cold-war/3410803/ https://history-commons net/artifacts/2389587/east-germany-berlin-and-escapes-from-communism-in-the-late-cold-war/3410803/ https://history-commons article, “East Germans, Berlin, and Escapes from Communism in the late Cold War?” 2. What does Foster’s

RU: Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey · 1 January 2017 English

1968 was a momentous year. In the West, it is primarily remembered as a moment of global youth revolt.1 Events in Eastern Europe took place within the context of this …

Bren, The Greengrocer and His TV: The Culture of Communism after the 1968 Prague Spring (Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell

UCL: University College London · 1 January 2017 English

In the Cold War Eastern Europe collection, historians have an invitation to explore the variety and complexity of the cultural Cold War. The explosion in cultural traffic across the Iron …

about mounting a cultural offensive against communism, preferring, and investing more in, covert operations public vigilance to the aims of international communism.” The I.R.D. suggested that the British government

The National Archives · 1 January 1982 English

A file containing documents relating to Soviet influence in Africa. Subjects covered in the file include Soviet economic aid to Uganda; the possible establishment of diplomatic relations between Lesotho and …

there is no ideological half-way house between Communism and Capitalism. Kaunda*s loyalty to NAM principles Some politicians see anti-Sovietism and anti-communism as the price they must pay for military assistance

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