
Tanganyika was a sovereign state, comprising the mainland part of present-day Tanzania, that existed from 1961 until 1964. It first gained independence from the United Kingdom on 9 December 1961 as a state headed by Queen Elizabeth II before becoming a republic within the Commonwealth of Nations a year later. After signing the Articles of Union on 22 April 1964 and passing an Act of Union on 25 April, Tanganyika officially joined with the People's Republic of Zanzibar and Pemba to form the United Republic of Tanganyika and Zanzibar on Union Day, 26 April 1964. The new state changed its …



The National Archives · 1 August 1953 English

TOP SECRET GUARD bin Abdulla Hassa. He raised large forces of ruthless dervishes and operated from various bases in the eastern and south-eastern areas of the Protectorate and from Somali …

p o s s i b l y p a r t s of N o r t h e r n Tanganyika c a n n o t be e x p e c t e d t o remain t b e t h e RAF Regiment i n Aden. TANGANYIKA 1 5 . Tanganyika i s p o l i t i c a l l y backward Firm a c t i o n h a s been t a k e n by t h e Tanganyika Government in c o o p e r a t i o n w i t h

The National Archives · 19 November 1920

to 26th Oct. Gov. with the Governor of the Tanganyika Territory regarding From Tel the treatment of the property of German Missions in the 1st Nov. Tanganyika Territory. 2. Lord Milner understands that

The National Archives · 1 May 1921

of Kedleston, the accompanying copies of tele- graphic correspondence with the Governor of the Tanganyika Territory regarding the redemption of German Currency Notes in the Territory, and to enquire whether

The National Archives · 30 December 1924

application submitted by Mr H. Rohde on behalf of Mr Werner Zierlord for the release of property in the Tanganyika Territory is directed to enquire what action has been taken upon the letter referred to. DOWING

The National Archives · 23 December 1920

General would give a guarantee that the purchase by him of a property belonging to a German in the Tanganyika Territory, if effected, would be recognised by the British Authorties. I have informed Mr. Browne

The National Archives · 15 August 1922 English

Jj pr V^J I I 11697/6220/16 Co^eBBions in Tanganyika t e r r i t o r y , I FROM Mr.C.W Dixon (

The National Archives · 4 August 1920 English

— To ask the Under Colonies, whether there is any hope of an early issue administration of the Tanganyika territory; issuing the mandate is very detrimental to the and whether, pending its issue, he will commence 4 AUG 1920 (Print.) (How disposed of.) (Action (Index.) Completed.) Next Paper. (Minutes.) TANGANYIKA TERRITORY. 54. Brigadier-General Sir O. THOMAS asked the Under-Secretary of State for the Colonies Colonies whether there is any hope of an early issue of the mandate for the administration of the Tanganyika terri- tory; Whether he is aware that the delay in issuing the mandate is very detrimental to the

Next Paper. 134 c 7 1 n ì U Mandate f o r Tanganyika T e r r i t o r y f ^ ^ I L r e p l L t 0 , of the mandate for the administration of the Tanganyika territory; whether he is aware that the delay completed.) Next Paper. 4 AUG 1920 (Minutes.) TANGANYIKA TERRITORY. 54. Brigadier-General Sir 0. THOMAS of the mandate for the administration of the Tanganyika terri- tory • whether he is aware that the delay not aware that the economic progress of the Tanganyika territory, which is open to trade and commerce

The National Archives · 9 May 1923 English

69 Communication on this subject should be addressed to— THE UNDER SECRETARY OF STATE, COLONIAL OFFICE, 216 LONDON, S.W.1, and the following Number quoted : 119872/23. Downing Street, May, 1923. …

3 j j ¿ - O GERMAN* I I Concessions in Tanganyika t e r r i t o r y . SSfffC 8336/5733/18. s a t i s f i e d that a c t i o n taken in Tanganyika i s not in c o n f l i c t with any >; No.

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