
Democracy is a form of government in which the people have the authority to choose their governing legislators. The decisions on who is considered part of the people and how authority is shared among or delegated by the people have changed over time and at different speeds in different countries, but they have included more and more of the inhabitants of all countries. Cornerstones include freedom of assembly and speech, inclusiveness and equality, membership, consent, voting, right to life and minority rights. The notion of democracy has evolved over time considerably, and, generally, the two current types of democracy are …



1 January 2017 English

Soon after the Allies defeated Germany in World War II, the country became the central battleground of the Cold War between the communist East and democratic, capitalist West. To prevent …

not guaranteed any of the freedoms normal in a democracy like the F.R.G. – freedom of speech, assembly East-West German border, West Berlin was an island of democracy and capitalism surrounded by 11 This pressure

RU: Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey · 1 January 2017 English

1968 was a momentous year. In the West, it is primarily remembered as a moment of global youth revolt.1 Events in Eastern Europe took place within the context of this …

could never be successfully reformed and that democracy was incompatible with socialism. 27 The text

The National Archives · 1 January 1982 English

A file containing documents concerning a visit to West Berlin by the British prime minister, Margaret Thatcher, in October 1982. Subjects covered in the file include Thatcher's desire to place …

incapable of replacing the ideals of freedom and democracy which glow as brightly for the peoples of Eastern

The National Archives · 1 January 1982 English

convinced that despite the mistakes of Polish Social Democracy, the dass union of Russian and Polish workers

The National Archives · 1 January 1982 English


The National Archives · 1 January 1982 English

eschewing dangerous dreams of pluralism and democracy and remaining a faithful ally to the Soviet Union past shown very little sympathy for worker's democracy in spite of his work in Yugoslavia. Neal Acherson

The National Archives · 1 January 1982 Russian

A file of correspondence and reports concerning the Soviet attitude to the Falklands War. The documents cover Soviet statements on the crisis; Soviet appeals for a diplomatic solution; articles published …

is what this would achieve. Our commitment to democracy has never been in doubt. But such a move would Article 73, but would emphasize our commitment to democracy and respecter /¿^wishes of the islanders. Economic

The National Archives · 1 January 1982 English

class character, be a firm link in socialist democracy and genuinely representative of the workers. in which Walesa allegedly said American- style democracy in Poland would suit him well and that the collapse

The National Archives · 1 January 1982 English

A file of correspondence and reports concerning Anglo-Yugoslav relations, focussing on a proposed visit to the U.K. by the Yugoslav prime minister, Milka Planinc. The documents cover the origins of …

to give thought to some small steps towards democracy in time for the Party Congress in February. But

The National Archives · 1 January 1982 English

short, we to its detriment, [applause] P democracy in the interests of socialism and not greater

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