
Communication (from Latin communicare, meaning "to share") is the act of conveying meanings from one entity or group to another through the use of mutually understood signs, symbols, and semiotic rules. The main steps inherent to all communication are: The formation of communicative motivation or reason. Message composition (further internal or technical elaboration on what exactly to express). Message encoding (for example, into digital data, written text, speech, pictures, gestures and so on). Transmission of the encoded message as a sequence of signals using a specific channel or medium. Noise sources such as natural forces and in some cases human …



24 May 2022 English

Content in British Society, 1939-1951 is arranged in collections corresponding to the archives from which they were sourced. You can read more about the archive materials selected for this resource …

reception of both government and enemy propaganda; communications and other intelligence matters, and have been early civil defence preparations, including the communications system for civil defence, which consisted

UNE: University of New England · 28 February 2018 English

By the late 1930s it was widely expected, drawing on the experience of German air raids on Britain in the First World War, that if and when the next war …

maintain law and order in the event of loss of communications with London). But only so much could be achieved

The National Archives · 1 January 1982 German

autobahn between Berlin and Hamburg, and the associated border crossings; the necessity of improving communications between East Germany and West Berlin; and a campaign of vandalism directed against the East German

correct ^ was that, in the Protocol Note on communications signed in 1971, ' a wide area had been mapped

The National Archives · 1 January 1982 English

A file containing documents concerning a visit to West Berlin by the British prime minister, Margaret Thatcher, in October 1982. Subjects covered in the file include Thatcher's desire to place …

where necessary. 10. COMMUNICATIONS (a) BONN Telegrams The Embassy Communications Section will maintain Department: Mr W B McCleary Miss K J Himsworth Communications Operations Department: Mr L T Charrington (7) (7) Mr J M Eastwood Mr A S Chapman Communications Technical Services Department: Mr H Ware (Hanslope)

The National Archives · 1 January 1982 French

A file containing documents relating to Soviet and Eastern European protests concerning the status of Berlin. Documents in the file describe a series of protests against the inclusion of West …

out that the absence of a response to further communications of a similar nature should not be taken to

The National Archives · 1 January 1982 English

notifié. La suspension totale des moyens de communications prati- quée dans la nuit du 12 au 13 décembre d'un standard.« I qui facilite 1'écouté des communications. La faculté de télé- phoner à l'étranger est

The National Archives · 1 January 1982 English

the Soviet Union: mining, energy and the communications infrastructure, especially road transport. INWARDS TO SWEEP THE VILLAGES. BECAUSE NO COMMUNICATIONS WERE POSSIBLE WITH THE OUTSIDE, THE PANJSHIR

The National Archives · 1 January 1982 English

nationwide scale. They can always reimpose a communications blackout if the situation appears sufficiently

The National Archives · 1 January 1982 English

A file containing documents concerning the position of Jews in the Soviet Union. Subjects covered in the file include a severe decline in the rate of Jewish emigration from the …

religion or belief; i. to establish and maintain communications with individuals and communities in matters

The National Archives · 1 January 1982 English

s i b l e r e - e s t a b l i s h - ment of communications between the Israelis and the Soviet U n i o

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