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Berlin: Eastern Bloc Protests over Members of Federal Organisations from West Berlin Participating in Meetings, Exhibitions, Etc

1 Jan 1982

A file containing documents relating to Soviet and Eastern European protests concerning the status of Berlin. Documents in the file describe a series of protests against the inclusion of West Berliners in West German delegations to conferences and other international events; against international events taking place in West Berlin; and against the description of the city in official documentation. The protests cover meetings of the World Health Organisation, the Economic Commission for Europe, and the International Atomic Energy Agency; visits to West Berlin by foreign leaders; and the United Nations Demographic Yearbook. Also included in the file are alleged violations of the 1971 Quadripartite Agreement; references to the 1977 London declaration on Berlin; Western protests against East Berlin being described as part of East Germany; and information on the cancellation of concerts by the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra in Bulgaria.
environment pollution health services bulgaria drugs united nations east-west relations international relations law music science treaties soviet union weather world health organisation berlin demographics east germany international organisations west germany soviet foreign policy international conferences United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) West Berlin East German foreign policy Bulgarian-West German relations West German politics Economic Commission for Europe (E.C.E.) International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) West German government Peter Carington treaty violations Helmut Schmidt Christopher Mallaby Quadripartite Agreement John Taylor
Collection ID
Content from German Centre of Gerontology © German Centre of Gerontology. Content from German Centre of Gerontology © German Centre of Gerontology.
Bulgaria East Germany Soviet Union West Germany
Department Reference
Document Type
Correspondence Legal and Treaty Material Meeting Minutes Memoranda
File Reference
FCO 33/5861
The following items have been removed from this file due to copyright restrictions: Bulgarian News Agency, 13.02.1982, Announcement by BTA [on Herbert von Karajan] International Atomic Energy Agency, 26.05.1982, Record of the four hundred and eighty-fourth meeting International Atomic Energy Agency, 28.01.1982, Safeguards: (a) The Conclusion of Safeguard Agreements. Safeguards in relation to an agreement for co-operation between the Federal Republic of Germany and Spain International Atomic Energy Agency, 28.05.1982, The text of the safeguards agreement of 26 February 1976 between the Agency, Brazil and the Federal Republic of Germany.
Persons Discussed
Christopher Mallaby Helmut Schmidt John Taylor Peter Carington
Published in
United Kingdom
Subject Countries
International Relations

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