Diplomatic Relations

Diplomacy is the practice of influencing the decisions and conduct of foreign governments or organizations through dialogue, negotiation, and other nonviolent means. Diplomacy usually refers to international relations carried out through the intercession of professional diplomats with regard to a variety of issues and topics.Diplomacy is the main instrument of foreign policy, which represents the broader goals and strategies that guide a state's interactions with the rest of the world. International treaties, agreements, alliances, and other manifestations of foreign policy are usually the result of diplomatic negotiations and processes. Diplomats may also help shape a state's foreign policy by advising …



5 May 2022 English

Notes of interest with links to documents in Cold War Eastern Europe. Links to photos, maps and compelling stories.

which the Soviet government make normal diplomatic relations difficult and the consequent problems for for governments who want to have diplomatic relations with Moscow”. A frank and uninhibited assessment

5 May 2022 English

List of files retained by the British government that are not available in Cold War Eastern Europe

28 1738 UK policy towards restoration of diplomatic relations with Albania1972 Jan 01-1972 Dec 31 FCO

4 May 2022 English

State leaders in Eastern Europe, Berlin Mayors, United Kingdom Prime Ministers and Foreign Secretaries, Politicians and Statesmen, Ambassadors, Other Eastern European Figures

and Plenipotentiary East Germany 1973-1980 Diplomatic relations established between the United Kingdom and Plenipotentiary East Germany 1974-1976 Diplomatic relations established between the United Kingdom

Korea University · 1 January 2017 English

In 1960–61, the outbreak of an increasingly acrimonious dispute between Nikita Khrushchev’s Soviet Union and Enver Hoxha’s Albania caught most foreign observers by surprise, all the more so because the …

similarly to the United States – had no diplomatic relations with the People’s Republic of Albania (P government remained unwilling to establish diplomatic relations, and blocked the return of the Albanian Tomkins about Greek intentions to re-establish diplomatic relations with Tirana, whereupon Joseph scribbled government consistently emphasized that “diplomatic relations will not be resumed unless Albania agrees following the severance of Soviet-Albanian diplomatic relations, Roberts, the British ambassador to Moscow

LSE: London School of Economics and Political Science · 1 January 2017 English

As well as heralding a series of momentous changes within Soviet domestic politics and society, the death of Stalin on March 5, 1953 also brought forward important shifts of tone …

the F.R.G., visited Moscow, establishing diplomatic relations with the Soviet Union, and providing for

The National Archives · 1 January 1982 English

A file of documents concerning Anglo-Czechoslovak political relations. Subjects discussed in the file include the settlement of British financial claims against Czechoslovakia; the return of wartime gold to Czechoslovakia; Anglo-Czechoslovak …

non-governmental organisations, and maintains diplomatic relations with 127 countries. Pre-war Czechoslovakia

The National Archives · 1 January 1982 English

l i t a r y , to Libya but we did have diplomatic relations of a sort with them. We had substantial advisers in L i b y a . They had normal diplomatic relations with the Libyans and had many views in r y , to the Libya Government. We have diplomatic relations w h i c h are normal on our side and abnormal

The National Archives · 1 January 1982 English

factor that the establishment of Spanish diplomatic relations with the Warsaw Pact countries was one of

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