Civil Defence

Civil defense (civil defence in UK English) or civil protection is an effort to protect the citizens of a state (generally non-combatants) from military attacks and natural disasters. It uses the principles of emergency operations: prevention, mitigation, preparation, response, or emergency evacuation and recovery. Programs of this sort were initially discussed at least as early as the 1920s and were implemented in some countries during the 1930s as the threat of war and aerial bombardment grew. It became widespread after the threat of nuclear weapons was realized. Since the end of the Cold War, the focus of civil defense has …



24 May 2022 English

Content in British Society, 1939-1951 is arranged in collections corresponding to the archives from which they were sourced. You can read more about the archive materials selected for this resource …

Papers ● HO 207 – Ministry of Home Security: Civil Defence Regions, Headquarters and Regional Files. ● Food Policy (F.P.), Home Policy (H.P.), and Civil Defence (C.D.) Committees. On 4 June 1940, it was announced department in June 1940 and was advised by a Civil Defence Research Committee of eminent scientists, arranged Commissioners, of information on air raids and other civil defence matters. The Intelligence Branch was formed on the social impact of air raids and other civil defence matters. The initial sections of this collection

24 May 2022 English

search the collection by 9 themes and 45 sub-themes. The documents are indexed according to the Civil Defence Region, Location, Organization Discussed, and Subject

Populatio Pre-war planning Air Raid Precautions; Civil Defence Damage to Property The wartime economy Air raid according to the following: ● The thirteen Civil Defence Regions of the wartime U.K. (including Northern

24 May 2022 English

British Society 1939-1951 provides access to thousands of documents from the collections of eleven U.K. government departments, each responsible for dealing with and reporting on the domestic situation in Britain …

all aspects of the civilian experience, from civil defence to domestic life: ● The War Cabinet ● Board

UNE: University of New England · 28 February 2018 English

By the late 1930s it was widely expected, drawing on the experience of German air raids on Britain in the First World War, that if and when the next war …

pressed by the Edinburgh 16 HO 207/365, London Civil Defence Region, “Public Shelters,” October 18, 1940 1940 [5]. 15 HO 207/365, London Civil Defence Region, “Public Shelters,” October 18, 1940 [4, 6–7]. 14 HO [October 1940] [4] 19 HO 199/401, Women’s Work in Civil Defence. 18 HO 205/174, [Secretary, Ministry of Public ” March 23, 1943, 12 [68]. 29 HO 199/394A, Civil Defence Industrial Bulletin No. 11, “Notes on Recent

University of Kent · 1 January 2018 English

This essay gives you an introductory view of the topic of war and social change on the British Home Front by using the changing position of women as a case …

June 8, 1940. 13 HO 199/401, “Women’s Work in Civil Defence” (1942). 12 MAF 102/2, “Kitchen Front” broadcasts “Women’s Work in Civil Defence” (1942). 22 HO 199/401, “Women’s Work in Civil Defence” (1942). they hated

The National Archives · 1 January 1982 French

A file containing documents concerning relations between NATO member states. Subjects covered in the file include anti-Americanism and opposition to nuclear weapons in Western Europe; the American decision not to …

accordance with the 1978 NATO goal; (c) improve civil defence; (d) tighten up procedures to make the evasion

The National Archives · 1 January 1982 English

arrangements have been made by Her Majesty's Civil Defence N B Government for President Reagan's visit progress has been made in arrangements for civil defence a l The Prime Minister: Preliminary discussions

The National Archives · 1 January 1982 English

what those problems could be as the THW's Civil Defence task was expressly excluded. Action: With Berlin

The National Archives · 1 January 1982 German

A file containing records of meetings of the Bonn Group of American, British, French, and West German officials to discuss Berlin. Subjects covered in these meetings included flights between Berlin …


The National Archives · 1 January 1982 German

A file containing documents relating to British military activities in West Berlin. Subjects covered in the file include the shortage of suitable sites for a new ammunition storage compound; the …

to be displayed by members of the (¡1 RM A N Civil Defence Organisation is attached). or (3) A period RESTRICTED RESTRICTED ' SYMBOL OF THE GERMAN CIVIL DEFENCE ORGANISATION ^ ^ ' / \ HI.HI N . / /

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