
Conference on Security and Co-Operation in Europe (CSCE): Conference on Security and Co-Operation in Europe: Follow-Up; Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU)

1 Jan 1978

This is a folder published by The National Archives in January 1978 about Arms Race, Business, Culture, Disarmament, Dissidents, Education, Emigration, Environment, Foreign Trade, and Freedom of Information.
human rights environment trade education technology terrorism arms control arms race business cultural relations culture disarmament dissidents east-west relations economic growth emigration freedom of information industry jews journalists literacy neutrality nuclear weapons transportation science travel restrictions trials unemployment visas speeches international organisations non-aligned movement arab-israeli conflict helsinki final act european economic community (eec) détente soviet foreign policy international conferences anglo-yugoslav relations british foreign policy Romanian foreign policy Soviet politics Soviet armed forces colonial independence Soviet navy British politics Soviet troops abroad Soviet army reunification of Germany civic exchanges Austrian politics weapons production multilateral talks Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe (C.S.C.E.) Confidence Building Measures (C.B.M.s) Three Baskets of Security Belgrade follow-up meeting to the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe (C.S.C.E.) (1977–

Mentioned Organizations

Collection ID
Department Reference
ENZ 21/598/5
File Reference
FCO 28/3648
Published in
United Kingdom

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