Freedom of Information

Freedom of information is freedom of a person or people to publish and consume information. Access to information is the ability for an individual to seek, receive and impart information effectively. This sometimes includes "scientific, indigenous, and traditional knowledge; freedom of information, building of open knowledge resources, including open Internet and open standards, and open access and availability of data; preservation of digital heritage; respect for cultural and linguistic diversity, such as fostering access to local content in accessible languages; quality education for all, including lifelong and e-learning; diffusion of new media and information literacy and skills, and social inclusion …



5 May 2022 English

Notes of interest with links to documents in Cold War Eastern Europe. Links to photos, maps and compelling stories.

statements indicates this is from pre-Freedom of Information Act days - they would now be required

The National Archives · 1 January 1982 English

A file containing documents concerning the position of Jews in the Soviet Union. Subjects covered in the file include a severe decline in the rate of Jewish emigration from the …

The National Archives · 1 January 1982 Russian

A file of correspondence and reports concerning the Soviet attitude to the Falklands War. The documents cover Soviet statements on the crisis; Soviet appeals for a diplomatic solution; articles published …

The National Archives · 1 January 1982 English

A file of correspondence and reports concerning the Soviet attitude towards the Falklands War. The documents cover discussions with Soviet officials on the crisis, outlining the British and Soviet positions; …

The National Archives · 1 January 1982 English

A file of correspondence and reports concerning the leading personalities in Hungary in 1982. The report offers personality notes and career profiles on leading members of the Hungarian Socialist Workers' …

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