
A student is primarily a person enrolled in a school or other educational institution and who is under learning with goals of acquiring knowledge, developing professions and achieving easy employment at a particular field. In the broader sense, a student is anyone who applies themselves to the intensive intellectual engagement with some matter necessary to master it as part of some practical affair in which such mastery is basic or decisive. In the United Kingdom and most commonwealth countries, the term "student" denotes those enrolled in secondary schools and higher (e.g., college or university); those enrolled in primary/elementary schools are …



4 September 2024 English

For an understanding of the wider economic and political situation in Germany after the end of the First World War: documents that deal with the revolution of 1918/19, the Versailles …

were excluded from its benefits. Questions for Students: I. Veterans and post-war society and politics it is worth selecting them in advance and warn students of their impact. ● Friedrich’s pamphlet is readily

3 October 2022 English

To encourage students to engage actively with historical documents. To build analytical and critical thinking skills. To formulate evidence-based arguments. To practice writing concisely and persuasively

THE BLITZ AND CIVILIAN MORALE Aims- To encourage students to engage actively with historical documents.

11 May 2022 English

Summary of the editorial selection criteria, and the metadata elements provided.

conflict, people, and keywords, are designed to aid students and researchers to identify documents of relevancy

5 May 2022 English

Notes of interest with links to documents in Cold War Eastern Europe. Links to photos, maps and compelling stories.

371/182506 31-46 Visual Photographs of Chinese students protesting in Moscow FO 371/182537 162 Textual efforts to entrap and photograph visiting British students in compromising situations (one completely redacted) a film adaptation of Jane Eyre for Bulgarian students of English. 28/1891 10-13 Textual Professors report Hungarian students to the authorities after they were found listening Cut out of an American $100 bill by an Israeli students organization FCO 28/2263 5-9 Visual Photos of

5 May 2022 English

List of files retained by the British government that are not available in Cold War Eastern Europe

01-1968 Dec 31 FCO 28 412 UK: attacks on British students 1967 Jan 01-1968 Dec 31 FCO 28 842 Extradition

UEA: University of East Anglia · 1 January 2018 English

When my students read the story “Careless Talk,” they often see the discussion of food as a sort of deceptively innocuous backdrop for the more serious matters in the story – the suspicions that the enemy

Lives: Writing Britain in WWII,” and although students are often perplexed by how absent British fiction country and left with the waiter for safekeeping. My students’ observations about these details often prompt their accounts however is how the memories my students have inherited emphasize a spirit of collectivity think about those eggs’ significance? When I ask students what they make of the eggs they tend to read them portraying, its historical moment. By getting students to explore archival material around food during

1 January 2017 English

Soon after the Allies defeated Germany in World War II, the country became the central battleground of the Cold War between the communist East and democratic, capitalist West. To prevent …

teacher, making sure he was indoctrinating his students correctly to be loyal communist citizens, the in military instruction was obligatory for all students in ninth and tenth grade. For those young people

1 January 2017 English

After George Orwell published his novel in 1949 about a dystopian future world dominated by a totalitarian regime, 1984, many people saw much of what he described come to life …

tic-republic-gdr/3397166/ Questions for the students: 1. How does Foster’s analysis of life in the For the instructor: These readings introduce students to life in the G.D.R. as experienced by various

1 January 2017 English

We will focus here on how British and U.S. officials assessed the prospects of Sino-Soviet relations, why they were of the opinion that NATO benefited from the Sino-Soviet and Soviet-Albanian …

/northern-n/3405488/ Tirana, respectively. Students are therefore asked to read the following pages 103-105, 116-118, 120-122. Questions for the students: 1) How did the Foreign Office officials assess For the instructor: These questions are to help students develop a comparative perspective and to enhance into a triangular or multilateral framework. Students are to perform symmetrical comparative analyses This two-level comparison is aimed at raising students’ awareness of the complexities of a state’s foreign

1 January 2017 English

On 7 December 1970 West German Chancellor Willy Brandt and Polish Prime Minister Jozef Cyrankiewicz signed the Treaty of Warsaw, whereby the two states accepted the western border of Poland …

Foreign and Commonwealth Office. Questions for the students: 1) Based on the readings from Keylor and Weathersby legacy of the Nazi period. 6) For advanced students, use other British documents in this file to explain instructor: These questions are designed to focus students’ attention on the confluence of circumstances

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