
A sailor, seaman, mariner, or seafarer is a person who works aboard a watercraft as part of its crew, and may work in any one of a number of different fields that are related to the operation and maintenance of a ship. The profession of the sailor is old, and the term sailor has its etymological roots in a time when sailing ships were the main mode of transport at sea, but it now refers to the personnel of all watercraft regardless of the mode of transport, and encompasses people who operate ships professionally, as a sport or recreationally. Be …



The National Archives · 1 January 1982 English

A file of correspondence and reports concerning the Soviet attitude towards the Falklands War. The documents cover Soviet press articles on the conflict; Soviet reports that the British fleet carried …

1 i \ i lands were undertaken by British seafarers—Captain John Davis in 1592 and Sir Richard

The National Archives · 1 January 1982 English

ratify Conventions, except a few relating to seafarers, on the grounds that it has a federal constitution

The National Archives · 1 January 1982 English

following safeguards for British shipping and British seafarers in the Soviet Union: - (a) it affords to the removal of this safeguard would expose British seafarers in the USSR to harrassment of various kinds as

The National Archives · 1 January 1978 French

A file containing documents concerning policies on shipping between the Soviet Union and the United Kingdom. Subjects covered in the file include Soviet media criticism of Western governments' attitudes to …

Convention on Training and Certification of Seafarers, 1978; The Athens Conventions relating to the

The National Archives · 1 January 1977 French

A file of correspondence and reports concerning shipping incidents involving British and Soviet vessels. The documents cover the harassment of British vessels by Soviet ships, including research vessels, fishing trawlers, …

reduced employment opportunities for Community seafarers. 5 0 Effects on balsnce of p foment a ^ 5

The National Archives · 1971 English

A file containing documents concerning the British government's policy towards visits by Soviet ships to British ports. The file includes a note about Soviet scientific research vessels docking in Gibraltar …

the interpretation of Article 6(1) of the ILO Seafarers Identity Documents Convention (No 108). As I industry. Whatever the legal merits of the case the Seafarers Unions are unlikely to take kindly to such a limit shore leave for crew members with valid seafarers 9 identity documents to six hours a day and limit shore leave for crew members with valid seafarers 9 identity docuaents to six hours a day and

The National Archives · 1970 English

A file of correspondence and reports concerning the visit of a British minister to the Soviet Union. The documents cover the visit of Frederick Corfield, the Minister of State at …

group autonomy under which the ahipowners «ad seafarers elect their own representatives. *e are not *t unxioua to hear the view of the C shipowners and seafarers groups at the forthcoming Maritime Session before

The National Archives · 1969 Russian

A file containing documents relating to movements of Soviet ships in British ports and at British Overseas Territories. Subjects covered in the file include regular visits to Gibraltar by Soviet …

with the ship. Tki3 is a concession granted to seafarers to allow them to go ashore for business or relaxation" the s'.ij. This is - concession A VAAIV^ to seafarers T . • to allow the. to go J K- A a Jiore or

The National Archives · 1967 English

A file of correspondence and reports concerning the Soviet navy. The documents cover a proposed visit to Portsmouth by the Soviet destroyer Obraztsovy, accompanied by the Commander-in-Chief of the Baltic …

for H sailing and is well-known to Russian seafarers since ancient H times. • "Sailing in the Mediterranean

The National Archives · 1961 Spanish

A file of correspondence, reports, and press material concerning the reaction to Yurii Gagarin becoming the first man in space. The documents discuss how each of the leading Soviet newspapers …

conservative paper "Times" wrote. "Like the seafarers, discoverers of new lands of the 15th century

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