
Rationing is the controlled distribution of scarce resources, goods, services, or an artificial restriction of demand. Rationing controls the size of the ration, which is one's allowed portion of the resources being distributed on a particular day or at a particular time. There are many forms of rationing, and in western civilization people experience some of them in daily life without realizing it.Rationing is often done to keep price below the market-clearing price determined by the process of supply and demand in an unfettered market. Thus, rationing can be complementary to price controls. An example of rationing in the face …



24 May 2022 English

Content in British Society, 1939-1951 is arranged in collections corresponding to the archives from which they were sourced. You can read more about the archive materials selected for this resource …

dealt with the administrative arrangements for rationing, including home production, the position of food to the minister's approval. With the end of rationing and controls on 3rd July, 1954, the work of the Ministry of Food was responsible for overseeing rationing and state trading. Lord Walton believed that that the implementation of a successful rationing system required the support of advertising and public British public, explaining about the points-based rationing scheme, discouraging waste of any https://history-commons

24 May 2022 English

British Society, 1939-1951 contains records from collections such as: Records of central government departments and ministries; Records of Local Organizations and Wartime Bodies; Collections of government propaganda. Users can browse, …

Invasion Contingencies Reconstruction; Salvage Rationing and Supply Evacuation Industry and Infrastructure supply Evacuation Scheme Manufacturing; Materials Rationing; Licensing; Price control Reception; Billeting

24 May 2022 English

British Society 1939-1951 provides access to thousands of documents from the collections of eleven U.K. government departments, each responsible for dealing with and reporting on the domestic situation in Britain …

Control Committees, responsible for enforcing rationing and prosecuting offenders. https://history-commons Documents on the scheduling and implementation of rationing. ● Welfare reports on living conditions, social

UEA: University of East Anglia · 1 January 2018 English

When my students read the story “Careless Talk,” they often see the discussion of food as a sort of deceptively innocuous backdrop for the more serious matters in the story …

with rations, but how to feel about the impact rationing was having on daily life. Bowen’s “Careless Talk” appearance of a direct line of information about rationing in order to quell the kinds of “careless talk” only do these broadcasts allow us to track how rationing varied across different moments in the war, or government was tracking the public feelings that rationing affected – suspicion, hostility, doubt – and managing important validation of the effects of shortage and rationing. This speaker is an ally, someone to be trusted

University of Kent · 1 January 2018 English

This essay gives you an introductory view of the topic of war and social change on the British Home Front by using the changing position of women as a case …

experiences, such as aerial bombing, mobilization, rationing, and evacuation, engendered societal change in to shop for food. Long shifts, shortages, and rationing meant that women were absenting themselves from

The National Archives · 1 January 1982 English

A file of correspondence and reports concerning political relations between Albania and the United Kingdom. The documents cover discussions on the possible resumption of relations between the British and Albanian …

dis- tribution, allocation, price policios and rationing. Tho Albanian Government al3o undertook to use

The National Archives · 1 January 1982 English

for popular frustrations over shortages and rationing. Possible forms of protest 5. Increased opposition

The National Archives · 1 January 1982 English

A file of correspondence and reports concerning the economic situation in Yugoslavia. The documents cover discussions between British and Yugoslav officials on the country's economic situation; and the introduction of …

' I - o nrr iqr? 7 uUV I/OL I YUGOSLAVIA: RATIONING ' Staple foods such as meat, milk and sugar, and poor distribution caused partly by petrol rationing. 2. There have been periodic shortages of these about rationing. 3. At present, only petrol is rationed. There is certainly a case for rationing other the initiative and tried to introduce limited rationing schemes for their area. This has been declared Federal law should be passed to allow local rationing schemes. 4. The Federal politicians have several

The National Archives · 1 January 1982 French

economic situation at the end of 1981; mounting foreign debts; a poor harvest; the introduction of rationing; a series of food price rises; the reduction of imports; reports of severe shortages of food and

The National Archives · 1 January 1982 English

A file containing documents concerning a visit to Bulgaria and Romania by the Foreign Office minister Malcolm Rifkind in September–October 1982. Subjects covered in the file include the original planning …

This culminated in the introduction of food rationing and penalties for hoarding and profiteering.

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