
Industrialisation (or industrialization) is the period of social and economic change that transforms a human group from an agrarian society into an industrial society. This involves an extensive re-organisation of an economy for the purpose of manufacturing. Historically industrialization is associated with increase of polluting industries heavily dependent on fossil fuels; however, with the increasing focus on sustainable development and green industrial policy practices, industrialization increasingly includes technological leapfrogging, with direct investment in more advanced, cleaner technologies. The reorganization of the economy has many knock-on effects both economically and socially. As industrial workers' incomes rise, markets for consumer goods and …



AU: Aarhus University · 1 January 2017 English

“The socialist system has won in our country,” Antonín Novotný, the leader of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia, triumphantly declared at a national party conference on July 5, 1960, and …

brutality and misdirected investment, the industrialization drive of the Stalin era did lay the foundations

The National Archives · 1 January 1982 English

A file of correspondence and reports concerning the internal political situation in Albania. The documents cover discussions with Italian officials and diplomats on the current political situation in Albania; the …

of tire process of the country's socialist industrialization, always giving priority to the development

The National Archives · 1 January 1982 English

Domestically, the policy of very rapid industrialization at the expense of the consumer was a direct Union remains as it was, based on rapid industrialization, and a highly active supportive foreign policy

The National Archives · 1 January 1982 English

A file of reports concerning the internal economic situation in Albania. The documents include a review of the Albanian economy for the years 1976–1980 and 1981–1985, covering national income, industrial …

The National Archives · 1 January 1982 English

A file of correspondence and reports concerning East Germany and the United Nations (U.N.). The documents include details of a U.N. session investigating East Germany's record on human rights; and …

developing countries in their efforts to speed up industrialization and the modernization of their agriculture

The National Archives · 1 January 1982 English

A file containing documents relating to the internal political situation in the Soviet Union. Subjects covered in the file include the importance of Siberia, with access to its vast mineral …

The National Archives · 1 January 1982 English

agricultural organization and the move towards industrialization, I both of whi-ch are part'of the country's Bulgaria may become less secure and its industrialization could be jeopardized. For instance, Bulgaria economic development, further modernization and industrialization will sooner or later be causing the same DAA/1823 - 20 - • : * I The rapid industrialization of the last thirty years has bled Romanian

The National Archives · 1 January 1982 French

A file containing documents relating to the death and funeral of the Soviet leader, Leonid Brezhnev. Subjects covered in the file include the representation of the British government by the …

ments in the life of our country, among them industrialization, the collectivization of agriculture, the Soviet country. And that was really so. The industrialization of the country and the collectivization of

The National Archives · 1 January 1981 English

proposal to include the problems of spatial industrialization in a completely different organizational

The National Archives · 1 January 1981 English

wished • thereby to help the programme of industrialization and the prosperity • 01 the nation in the

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