
Advertising is a marketing communication that employs an openly sponsored, non-personal message to promote or sell a product, service or idea. Sponsors of advertising are typically businesses wishing to promote their products or services. Advertising is differentiated from public relations in that an advertiser pays for and has control over the message. It differs from personal selling in that the message is non-personal, i.e., not directed to a particular individual. Advertising is communicated through various mass media, including traditional media such as newspapers, magazines, television, radio, outdoor advertising or direct mail; and new media such as search results, blogs, social …



3 October 2022 English

To encourage students to engage actively with historical documents. To build analytical and critical thinking skills. To formulate evidence-based arguments. To practice writing concisely and persuasively.

Ministry of Home Security, 1940. History of Advertising Trust O&M wartime book no. 2: https://history-commons National Savings Committee, 1943. History of Advertising Trust O&M wartime book no. 1: https://history-commons

24 May 2022 English

Content in British Society, 1939-1951 is arranged in collections corresponding to the archives from which they were sourced. You can read more about the archive materials selected for this resource …

Group: Kitchen Front Broadcasts. ● History of Advertising Trust: Wartime Guard Books CAB 71 – War Cabinet successful rationing system required the support of advertising and public outreach to maintain morale amongst potatoes, vegetable oils and fats. History of Advertising Trust: Wartime Guard Books View this Collection the British government commissioned a range of advertising campaigns to be circulated in newspapers and guard book volumes contains clippings from the advertising campaigns commissioned by the government between

24 May 2022 English

Dr Brett Holman - University of New England; Dr David Clampin - University of Liverpool John Moores; Dr Juliette Pattinson - University of Kent; Professor Daniel Ussishkin - University of …

University which examined the role of British press advertising during the Second World War. Aspects of his research research are informed by a previous career in advertising and marketing, notably working for Campaign magazine

24 May 2022 English

British Society, 1939-1951 contains records from collections such as: Records of central government departments and ministries; Records of Local Organizations and Wartime Bodies; Collections of government propaganda. Users can browse, …

● Wartime advertisements from the History of Advertising Trust archives, Beccles (U.K.). ● Film production

24 May 2022 English

British Society 1939-1951 provides access to thousands of documents from the collections of eleven U.K. government departments, each responsible for dealing with and reporting on the domestic situation in Britain …

with supporting material from the History of Advertising Trust archives, Beccles (U.K.) – this digital schemes and initiatives, sourced from History of Advertising Trust archives, Beccles (U.K.). These images images can also be viewed through the Advertising Gallery. Key themes and topics This resource allows for Public opinion ● Wartime politics ● Media and advertising ● Food and industry ● Childhood and youth ● Gender

24 May 2022

During the Second World War, the British government commissioned a range of advertising campaigns to be circulated in newspapers and other publications, promoting various schemes, initiatives, and public public information notices. This series of eleven guard book volumes contains clippings from the advertising campaigns commissioned by the government between 1939 and 1951. The campaigns, published under

• - . S í J\ J Peter Ciuffetti History Advertising Trust Peter Ciuffetti of Peter Ciuffetti Image

24 May 2022 English

National Archives, London, England. History of Advertising Trust - Images from the Wartime Advertising Guard Books reproduced by courtesy of History of Advertising Trust, Raveningham, England.

Surrey TW9 4DU. History of Advertising Trust Images from the Wartime Advertising Guard Books reproduced by by courtesy of History of Advertising Trust, Raveningham, England. Images may be

LJMU: Liverpool John Moores University · 7 December 2018 English

A good deal has been made of the fact that amongst the numerous volumes which are the official History of the Second World War, the Ministry of Information (MoI) is …

is complacency it is completely untouched by advertising campaigns. (quoted in McLaine 1979, 251) Conclusion

The National Archives · 1 January 1982 Czech

A file of documents concerning the restitution of Czechoslovak gold and the settlement of British claims against Czechoslovakia. Subjects discussed in the file include an agreement for the repatriation of …

The National Archives · 1 January 1982 French

A file of documents concerning the restitution of Czechoslovak gold and the settlement of British claims against Czechoslovakia. Subjects discussed in the file include an agreement for the repatriation to …

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