Series: Air Raid Damage and Shelter Policy Committee, 1940-1942.

User icon Taylor Kenkel
22 August 2022
32 items

A file of the meeting minutes and memoranda of the Air Raid Damage and Shelter Policy Committee. The documents cover the period from September 1940 to December 1942, and include weekly reports on damage to infrastructure and communications across the United Kingdom. Subjects covered include air-raid shelter provision, amenities, and conditions; the use of tube stations as shelters; communal feeding facilities; and evacuation. The reports detail damage to housing and provisions for the homeless; damage to water supplies and sewerage; damage to food storage and production plants; damage to food stocks; and damage to Ministry of Supply factories. The file also covers the impact of air raids on transportation, including railways, the London Underground, ports, roads, and waterways; the disruption of postal communications and telecommunications; and damage to utilities including gas, electricity, and oil facilities. Detailed breakdowns are provided of stocks of foodstuffs and animal feed, and of the salvage of foodstuffs.

Filters: Year: 1940

The National Archives · 31 October 1940 English

The meeting had before them a note by the Secretary covering a Summary of Air Raid Damage during the week ending 30th October, 1940, (circulated on 31st October under reference …

The National Archives · 1 October 1940 English

Summary of Reports on Air Raid Damage for the period 23rd to 30th September, 1940, furnished by the Ministry. of Health. Homeless Persons. Figures for the homeless people in Rest …

The National Archives · 10 October 1940 English

The Meeting continued their discussion on shelter policy and air raid damage. In this latter connection they had before them a Note by the Secretary (circulated on 8th October under …

The National Archives · 11 September 1940 English

The Meeting reviewed the situation created by the intensive bombing of the last few days. The information regarding the position may be summarised as follows:- ELECTRICITY SUPPLIES. Four power stations …

The National Archives · 11 December 1940 English

A. I. II. V. ###II. ###III. ###X. AIR RAID DAMAGE 4TH TO 11TH DECEMBER. BRIEF ANALYSIS OF MAIN POINTS. (For details see below). HOMELESS. Slight increase in London. Clearance from …

The National Archives · 31 October 1940 English

III. IV. VI. VII. VIII. IX. A. AIR RAID DAMAGE 23RD to 30TH OCTOBER. BRIEF ANALYSIS OF MAIN POINTS. (For details see below). HOMELESS. Numbers down by 5,000 (approximately 29%). …

The National Archives · 24 October 1940 English

I. II. III. IV. V. A. AIR RAID DAMAGE 16th - 23rd OCTOBER. BRIEF ANALYSIS OF MAIN POINTS. (For details see below). HOMELESS. After a sharp rise numbers now about …

The National Archives · 24 September 1940 English

THE COMMITTEE had before them a Summary of air raid damage in the period 16th/23rd September, 1940, prepared from reports submitted by the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Supply, …

The National Archives · 24 October 1940 English

The Meeting had before them the following papers circulated under Reference No. 2/1/31. Public Shelters in the London Civil Defence Region. Memorandum by the Minister of Home Security. Supply of …

The National Archives · 8 October 1940 English

A. I. II. III. IV. V. VI. VII. B. I Brief Analysis of Main Points. (For details see below). Homeless. Numbers down substantially. London Water Supply. Conditions rather more difficult, …