HAT OM - History of Advertising Trust: Wartime Guard Books

HAT OM - History of Advertising Trust: Wartime Guard Books

History of Advertising Trust

During the Second World War, the British government commissioned a range of advertising campaigns to be circulated in newspapers and other publications, promoting various schemes, initiatives, and public information notices. This series of eleven guard book volumes contains clippings from the advertising campaigns commissioned by the government between 1939 and 1951. The campaigns, published under the official imprint of various departments, reveal the ways in which wartime and post-war initiatives were communicated to the British public, and provide a valuable insight into the government's understanding of – and attempts to appeal to – the concerns of its citizens.

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History of Advertising Trust

A pre-war sweet you can serve every week
Coal supplies during May and June
The lighter side of cooking (making the fat ration go further)
Egg dishes mean extra nourishment
The salt of the earth
Salute the Fighting Forces
A new taste thrill - shredded raw cabbage…
A meat saving supper dish - tasty and nourishing
Greens cooked the old way lose most of their goodness
Domestic coal supplies November-January
What a lovely day… (Squanderbug)
New issue 3% Savings Bonds 1965-1975 - generous Interest
Dr Carrot: guardian of health
The more we send abroad…the more we can bring in…
Your coal allowance for January
From a doctor's diary. Then it wasn't VD after all, doctor?
Fight fuel waste with fewer furnaces
Growing up - and building up (food for teenagers)
Naafi's Normandy Diary (continued)