313 Venereal VD Diseases This is an extract from one of many letters received and permission has been given by the writer to use this extract. All evidence of identification has been removed. "Caused Untold Misery" "Please help me to unravel a V.D. matter which has caused untold misery. My son and his wife are the victims. I have just read that V.D. can't just happen. That the germs can't grow in the body of their own accord. How do they originate? If a woman is treated for Leucorrhœa for a long period, is it possible for her husband to contract Gonorrhœa from her ? Or must one of them have had intercourse with another person?" The Doctor replies: "It is extremely unusual for an adult person to contract either syphilis or gonorrhœa except by sexual intercourse with a partner who is suffering from the disease.