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Don't 'roar' the fuel away

1 Jan 1941

405 Don't 'roar' the fuel away Get the most out of your boiler. Understand it. You'll be surprised how much less fuel you really need. The fuel you save will go to make more tanks, more ships, more planes for our own needs—and to give maximum aid to Russia. ECONOMISE IN EVERY WAY YOU CAN Here are some examples: Use the hot water boiler Waste occurs when or radiator only on days when they're really required It is more economical to heat water gradually than to rush up the tempera- ture with a fierce fire Wrap up hot water pipes and tanks to retain heat Use less hot water for baths, washing up and cleaning — never wash under a running tap dampers are open unnecessarily Keep the front of your boiler as tightly closed as possible Keep your pans and kettles clean outside as well as inside Use the poker sparingly —if you must use it, do not poke your boiler from the top Call at your Coal Office or Gas or Electricity Showroom for advice and leaflets on how to economise.
coal electricity munitions coke factories fires heating industrial production industry lighting gas rationing savings supply oil fuel utilities hot water industrial consumption fuel shortages munitions industry civil consumption domestic life
Collection ID
Document Reference
Document Types
File Reference
Civil Consumption Coal Coke Electricity Factories Fires Fuel Fuel Shortages Gas Heating Hot Water Industrial Consumption Industrial Production Industry Lighting Munitions Munitions Industry Oil Savings
Published in
United Kingdom
History of Advertising Trust: O&M wartime book no 2
Domestic Life Rationing Supply Fuel Utilities

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