

1. Security of Economic and Industrial Information; 2. Evasion, Escape and Rescue in South East Asia; 3. Working Party to Review Machinery for Obtaining Intelligence from Visitor to Communist Countries; 4. Interrogation of German Ex P.O.W.; 5. Draft Terms of Reference for the J.T.I.C.; 6. "Service for American Research"; 7. "Swift" Aircraft - Press Leak; 8. Breach of Security Concerning The .280 Rifle; 9. Germany Security; 10. D Notice No. 25; 11. Tripartite Security Working Group

1 Jan 1952

CONFIDENTIAL MR. MORLAND said that the Advisory Letter had now been in operation for two or three months. It had been extremely difficult to obtain agreement with the Press to the issue of this letter, but it appeared to be working successfully. The handbook was not needed to fill in the gaps, but would be complementary to the Advisory Letter. It would be of value to meet this proposal in order to encourage the voluntary cooperation of the Press. Lord Burnham obviously realised the difficulties of obtaining their cooperation and he might welcome it as an opportunity of making his views known, particularly as he had offered to write a foreword to the handbook.
security united kingdom technology economy united states of america germany aircraft alliances armaments communism espionage evacuation finances industry information sharing interrogation newspapers atomic energy prisoners of war propaganda publications scientific research soviet union economic intelligence cold war surveillance personnel defence evasion liaison equipment allies eastern bloc agents german government security service secret intelligence service secrecy intelligence gathering soviet satellite states leakage of information ministry of defence joint intelligence sub-committee chiefs of staff foreign office british domestic security british intelligence organisation intelligence organization stewart menzies intelligence channels intelligence services responsibilities intelligence reports joint intelligence bureau roger hollis american intelligence services escape zones of occupation information research department german intelligence services intelligence requirements occupied germany press reports industrial intelligence german army classified documents joint intelligence committee (germany) anglo-german relations d-notice french intelligence services political pressure for peace
Collection ID
Cold War
Germany Soviet Union United Kingdom United States of America
Document Reference
CAB 159/11/25
Document Types
File Reference
CAB 159/11
Security Industry Industrial Intelligence Secrecy Economic Intelligence Economy Newspapers Publications D-notice Evasion Escape Evacuation Prisoners Of War Intelligence Gathering Agents Espionage Eastern Bloc Soviet Satellite States Intelligence Channels Finances Liaison Propaganda Intelligence Requirements Interrogation German Army Personnel Occupied Germany Zones Of Occupation American Intelligence Services Anglo-german Relations British Intelligence Organisation Intelligence Services Responsibilities Technology Scientific Research Communism Press Reports Political Pressure For Peace Aircraft Leakage Of Information Armaments Equipment Classified Documents German Intelligence Services German Government Defence Atomic Energy Alliances Information Sharing Allies Intelligence Reports French Intelligence Services
Chiefs of Staff Foreign Office Information Research Department Joint Intelligence Bureau Joint Intelligence Committee (Germany) Ministry of Defence Secret Intelligence Service Security Service Joint Intelligence Sub-Committee
Persons Discussed
Roger Hollis Stewart Menzies
Published in
United Kingdom
Ministry of Defence and Cabinet Office: Central Intelligence Machinery: Joint Intelligence Sub-Committee Later Committee: Minutes (JIC Series). Joint Intelligence Committee. Meetings 1-70
Intelligence Organization Surveillance British Domestic Security

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