

1. Brigadier D.W.T.A. Hogg; 2. Establishment within N.A.T.O. of a Technical Intelligence Organisation; 3. Factory Markings as Source of Intelligence; 4. Noise Listening; 5. Strategic Air Photographic Intelligence Requirements; 6. Soviet Proposals on the Air Corridor; 7.

1 Jan 1953

CONFIDENTIAL him of their agreement with the draft report, subject to the rewarding agreed in discussion. (2) Instructed the Secretary, in his reply, to express their view that the Secretary of the Standing Group Technical Intelligence Agency should be an American, and to inform the Standing Group Intelligence Committee that our representative on the S.G.T.I.A. would be Group Captain Cribb. SECRET 3. FACTORY MARKINGS as A SOURCE OF INTELLIGENCE THE COMMITTEE had before them a minute by the Secretary+ covering a paper by the Joint Intelligence Bureau, pointing out the intelligence which could be obtained from the proper exploitation of Factory Markings, and suggesting various measures which they felt might increase the quantity of intelligence obtainable.
china technology mapping germany civil aviation airspace alliances censorship communications factories industry information sharing international relations scientific research cold war berlin surveillance allies security service intelligence gathering wireless communications diplomatic disputes aerial reconnaissance ministry of defence joint intelligence sub-committee chiefs of staff foreign office intelligence organization intelligence channels intelligence services responsibilities intelligence reports communications interception joint intelligence bureau percy sillitoe guy liddell german intelligence services john sinclair telephone communications geographic intelligence topographical intelligence photographic reconnaissance joint intelligence sub-committee duties eric searight reconnaissance aircraft
Collection ID
Cold War
China Germany
Document Reference
CAB 159/13/40
Document Types
File Reference
CAB 159/13
Technology Scientific Research Information Sharing Allies Alliances Intelligence Channels Intelligence Services Responsibilities Factories Intelligence Gathering Intelligence Reports Joint Intelligence Sub-committee Duties Industry Surveillance Wireless Communications Aerial Reconnaissance Photographic Reconnaissance Mapping Reconnaissance Aircraft Geographic Intelligence Topographical Intelligence Diplomatic Disputes Civil Aviation Airspace Berlin Communications Communications Interception Censorship Telephone Communications German Intelligence Services
Chiefs of Staff Foreign Office Joint Intelligence Bureau Ministry of Defence Security Service Joint Intelligence Sub-Committee
Persons Discussed
Guy Liddell Eric Searight Percy Sillitoe John Sinclair
Published in
United Kingdom
Ministry of Defence and Cabinet Office: Central Intelligence Machinery: Joint Intelligence Sub-Committee Later Committee: Minutes (JIC Series). Joint Intelligence Committee. Meetings 1-70
Intelligence Organization Surveillance International Relations

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