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Northern (N): Soviet Union (NS). Cultural Relations between Soviet Union and UK.


A file containing documents relating to a proposed visit to the Soviet Union by a delegation from the Soviet Relations Committee of the British Council (S.R.C.) to discuss cultural, technical, and youth exchanges. Documents in the file include American documents discussing U.S. cultural exchanges with the Soviet Union, and lessons learned in negotiating with Soviet officials; a list of the Soviet personalities the delegation was likely to meet; and lists of delegations from the Soviet Union and Britain who had visited the other country and interacted with the S.R.C. Other documents in the file include correspondence regarding the composition of the British delegation; and a report from the British ambassador in Moscow about the difficulties of arranging the visit due to an upcoming Soviet party congress, about the Soviet desire to separate educational exchanges from other types, and about the content of visits that he thought the Soviets would want to receive.
agriculture youth united kingdom education technology france united states of america censorship cultural relations culture educational exchanges international relations journalists science official visits telecommunications soviet union film ballet british council communist party of the soviet union Anglo-Soviet relations soviet satellite states American-Soviet relations scientific relations French-Soviet relations party congresses Patrick Reilly Media and Culture radio jamming Anglo-American relations Youth and Education Soviet government Pierson Dixon Soviet Relations Committee John Profumo
Collection ID
France United Kingdom United States of America
Department Reference
Code NS file 1751 (papers 1 to 9)
Document Type
Correspondence Memoranda Reports
File Reference
FO 371/143542
Persons Discussed
John Profumo Patrick Reilly Pierson Dixon
Published in
United Kingdom
Subject Countries
Soviet Union
International Relations Media and Culture Youth and Education

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