
Technology ("science of craft", from Greek τέχνη, techne, "art, skill, cunning of hand"; and -λογία, -logia) is the sum of techniques, skills, methods, and processes used in the production of goods or services or in the accomplishment of objectives, such as scientific investigation. Technology can be the knowledge of techniques, processes, and the like, or it can be embedded in machines to allow for operation without detailed knowledge of their workings. Systems (e.g. machines) applying technology by taking an input, changing it according to the system's use, and then producing an outcome are referred to as technology systems or technological …



11 May 2022 English

Secret Files from World Wars to Cold War provides access to British government secret intelligence and foreign policy files from 1873 to 1953, with the majority of files dating from …

Asia ● The Korean War ● The Cold War, weapons technology, and nuclear warfare post -1945 Key collection Signals Intelligence and Code-breaking ● Weapons Technology and Nuclear Warfare The content of the material

11 May 2022 English

Summary of the editorial selection criteria, and the metadata elements provided.

Signals Intelligence and Code-breaking ● Weapons Technology and Nuclear Warfare 4 Metadata Field: Countries

5 May 2022 English

Notes of interest with links to documents in Cold War Eastern Europe. Links to photos, maps and compelling stories.

based on a visit by the minister of State for technology, John Stonehouse, in September 1967. Note comparisons

4 May 2022 English

Editorial description of the content of Cold War Eastern Europe

Populations and Social Policy ● Religion ● Science and Technology ● Second World War Aftermath ● Secret Intelligence

UNE: University of New England · 28 February 2018 English

difficult to say – except that it would be much worse than in the last war, since aeronautical technology had improved tremendously since the relatively primitive Zeppelins and Gothas of the 1914–18 period

worse than in the last war, since aeronautical technology had improved tremendously since the relatively

The National Archives · 1 January 1982 English

purchases from the West in capital goods and technology. (ii) Political. To give substance to detente

The National Archives · 1 January 1982 English

titanium and bauxite. The causes are out-dated technology, insufficient past invest- ment and an inability FOR THREE YEARS, COVERS CULTURE, SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY, PUBLIC HEALTH AND SPORT. 8. ACCORDING TO

The National Archives · 1 January 1982 English

NATO on 11 January to reflect on the export of technology in the context of the need to protect our competitive address the long-term issue of the transfer of technology to the Soviet Union and the Eastern Bloc_in militarily relevant I CONFIDENTIAL DSR 11C technology to the Warsaw Post countries was formed, at scientific and technological structure (I), technology transfer mechanisms (II), and critical technologies we are making progress in the area of high technology controls within the COCOM framework. A similar

The National Archives · 1 January 1982 English

that he was not convinced that a Science and Technology Agreement would go any further than the existing

The National Archives · 1 January 1982 English

Cooperation Agreement, limiting the export of high technology items and restricting the activities of. Polish

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