

Southern (R): Yugoslavia (RY). Internal Political Situation in Yugoslavia


A file of correspondence and reports on political developments in Yugoslavia. The file contains reports compiled by members of the British embassy in Belgrade on the intention of the Yugoslav government to concentrate on improving living standards and solving long-standing economic problems; on the functioning of the system of central and local government, especially the National Assembly and the governments of Yugoslavia's constituent republics; and on the functioning of the workers' councils which theoretically ran factories and other businesses. The reports note a gradual improvement in governance and living standards, but state that Yugoslavia remains a dictatorship and that no significant increase in freedom is expected. The file also discusses unrest among students and workers in Croatia and Slovenia, noting an upsurge of Croat nationalism among students and the higher standards of living expected in Croatia and Slovenia than in the rest of Yugoslavia.
agriculture elections local government nationalism serbia montenegro albania hungary slovenia poland united nations communism consumer goods cost of living croatia industry interviews law marxism national budgets macedonia productivity public opinion schools trade unions soviet union yugoslavia church-state relations military equipment universities domestic politics living standards deaths academics suez crisis ethnic minorities peasants parades League of Communists of Yugoslavia anglo-yugoslav relations Yugoslav foreign policy Yugoslav press Soviet-Yugoslav relations dissent Josip Broz Tito Borba national holidays Frank Roberts Industry and Agriculture Albanian-Yugoslav relations Edvard Kardelj Yugoslav republics Yugoslav government workers' councils Yugoslav armed forces Information Research Department
Collection ID
Albania Croatia Hungary Macedonia Montenegro Poland Serbia Slovenia Soviet Union
Department Reference
Code RY file 1015 (pp to 18)
Document Type
Reports Correspondence
File Reference
FO 371/130488
The following article has been removed from this file due to copyright restrictions: Occidente, March 1956, The Communist Party of Yugoslavia.
Persons Discussed
Edvard Kardelj Frank Roberts Josip Broz Tito
Published in
United Kingdom
Subject Countries
Domestic Politics Industry and Agriculture

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