
Northern (N): Soviet Union (NS). Russia Committee: Minutes and Agenda


A file containing the minutes of meetings of the Russia Committee between June and December 1950. The papers which the committee was discussing during these meetings are not included in the file, but are named in the minutes. Matters discussed by the committee include Soviet interrogation methods and trials, and the possibility of publishing a book exposing them; possible additional restrictions of East-West trade; a survey of Communism in Africa; a paper on Communism outside the Soviet orbit; the fortnightly draft summary of indications regarding Soviet foreign policy, nicknamed the "Crystal Gazer"; the risk of Yugoslavia falling into the Soviet sphere; and the outbreak of the Korean War and the extent of Chinese involvement in it.
india human rights china trade united kingdom syria hungary poland united states of america united nations communism currency exports imports indochina industry international relations interrogation law propaganda trials soviet union yugoslavia oil korea economic aid military tibet east germany food shortages Chinese-Soviet relations Soviet-Yugoslav relations dissent threat of war B.B.C. peace conferences Anglo-American relations American-Chinese relations British Commonwealth Communist Information Bureau (Cominform) Russia Committee Joint Intelligence Committee
Collection ID
China East Germany Hungary India Indochina Korea Poland Syria Tibet United Kingdom United States of America Yugoslavia
Department Reference
Code NS file 1053 (papers 19 to end)
Document Type
Meeting Minutes
File Reference
FO 371/86762
Documents in this file were transferred to the P.R.O. safe room, but put back in place on November 10, 2000. Other documents were retained under section 3(4) of the Public Records Act 1958, but put back in place on October 22, 1993.
Published in
United Kingdom
Subject Countries
Soviet Union
International Relations Military

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