A file of reports, correspondence and memoranda concerning the evolution of worldwide Communism. The documents contain a report, in addition to two subsequent revised versions, discussing Western measures to counter Soviet expansion and indications of their effects, with particular reference to the political, propagandist and economic countermeasures being used in individual nations; a note between British ambassadors discussing Soviet misgivings over British trade with Poland; and a paper regarding British economic relations with the Soviet Union and its satellites. Other documents include a report on the trends of communist propaganda spanning May 3–15, 1950; a summary of indications regarding Soviet foreign policy from late May 1950; a monthly review of Soviet tactics sent to ambassadors in India, Pakistan and Ceylon; a report on the arrest, detention and subsequent interrogation of a Mr. Lamerton by the secret police in Hungary; and a pair of summaries of indications regarding Soviet foreign policy from early June 1950.