
Political: Northern (N): Soviet Union (38). Committee of Policy Towards Russia


A file containing weekly minutes of the Committee on Policy towards Russia between April and July 1946. The file is concerned with policy towards the Soviet Union on a global scale, but main areas of discussion included a warning over a Soviet political and propaganda campaign against Britain in Germany and potential measures in response to it, with correspondence between the Foreign Office and the army in Germany and Austria; German political parties and their potential for resistance to communism; whether to allow Soviet trade representatives access to British-controlled territories in South East Asia, eventually advising the Colonial Office not to allow the representatives; countering the communist Tudeh party in Iran and Soviet influence elsewhere in the Middle East and the Indian subcontinent; and forthcoming peace treaties with and potential reparations payments from Germany and Italy.
thailand india china afghanistan trade elections france coal japan iraq united states of america strategy publicity aircraft australia austria communism international relations italy manpower peace treaties propaganda rationing reparations students travel restrictions treaties soviet union oil political ideology prague occupation east germany international organisations intelligence sharing british army infiltration food supplies west germany economic policies Anglo-Soviet relations B.B.C. British parliament Second World War Aftermath Roman Catholic Church military dispositions reunification of Germany Anglo-American relations German peace treaty independence movements British Commonwealth Russia Committee Joint Intelligence Committee Orme Sargent persia
Collection ID
Afghanistan Australia Austria China East Germany France India Iraq Italy Japan Iran Thailand United States of America West Germany
Department Reference
Code 38 file 5169 (to paper 9929)
Document Type
Meeting Minutes Memoranda Correspondence
File Reference
FO 371/56885
Documents in this file were retained under Section 3(4) of the Public Records Act 1958, but put back in place on December 19, 1995.
Persons Discussed
Orme Sargent
Published in
United Kingdom
Subject Countries
Soviet Union
Second World War Aftermath International Relations

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