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Berlin: Deutsche Reichsbahn (East German State Railway): Tariffs for Allied Military Freight Trains

1 Jan 1982

A file containing documents relating to the East German national railway, Deutsche Reichsbahn. The principal subject covered in the file is the payment of tariffs for Allied military freight trains operating between West Berlin and West Germany. Aspects of this subject discussed include the history of this subject; a rare example of a negotiated settlement to a Berlin problem; demands for back-payments going back to 1977; the East German motivations for tariff increases; and the Allied preference for an automatic adjustment formula, which was not favoured by Soviet officials. Other subjects discussed in the file include a long-running dispute over the failure of Deutsche Reichsbahn to pay its electricity bills in West Berlin; the demands of certain railway workers in West Berlin; disruption to Allied military trains following a derailment; and the future of the S-Bahn suburban railway in West Berlin.
united kingdom france united states of america international relations transportation railways soviet union electricity supply military equipment berlin east germany french armed forces british armed forces west germany united states armed forces industrial action East German-West German relations West Berlin Industry and Agriculture Border Security and Migration Peter Carington Berlin Senate
Collection ID
East Germany France Soviet Union United Kingdom United States of America West Germany
Department Reference
WRL 173/1
Document Type
Correspondence Financial Records Reports
File Reference
FCO 33/5895
Persons Discussed
Peter Carington
Published in
United Kingdom
Subject Countries
Border Security and Migration Industry and Agriculture International Relations

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