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Berlin: Quadripartite Rights and Responsibilities (QRR) in Berlin

1 Jan 1982

A file containing documents relating to quadripartite rights and responsibilities in Berlin. Subjects covered in the file include the tenth anniversary of the entry into force of the Quadripartite Agreement; a visit to West Berlin by the American president, Ronald Reagan; and problems experienced by American personnel at Checkpoint Charlie.
united kingdom france united states of america international relations interviews nuclear energy official visits treaties soviet union berlin war memorials west germany united states armed forces ronald reagan Soviet press Neues Deutschland East German press West German foreign policy West Berlin Border Security and Migration West German press American-West German relations United States Army Petr Abrasimov Hans-Dietrich Genscher Quadripartite Agreement John Taylor Berlin border crossings
Collection ID
Content from Pravda © CPRF and UK Government.; Every effort was made to contact the rights holder for content from Volksblatt Berlin. We invite anyone with information about the copyright holder of this items to contact us. Content from Pravda © CPRF and UK Government. Every effort was made to contact the rights holder for content from Volksblatt Berlin. We invite anyone with information about the copyright holder of this items to contact us.
France Soviet Union United Kingdom United States of America West Germany
Department Reference
WRL 21/7
Document Type
Correspondence Press and Media Reports
File Reference
FCO 33/5857
The following item has been removed from this file due to copyright restrictions: BBC Monitoring Summary of World Broadcasts, 04.06.1982, EE/7043/i.
Persons Discussed
Hans-Dietrich Genscher John Taylor Petr Abrasimov Ronald Reagan
Published in
United Kingdom
Subject Countries
Border Security and Migration International Relations

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