
German Democratic Republic (GDR): Political Relations between the German Democratic Republic and African Countries

1 Jan 1982

A file of correspondence and press reports concerning political relations between East Germany and African nations. The documents cover visits to East Germany by leading politicians from Burundi, Zambia, Lesotho, and Namibia; a visit by the East German foreign minister, Oskar Fischer, to Zimbabwe; and an analysis of Soviet and Eastern-bloc views on the political situation in Namibia. Other documents in the file include a background brief on East German activities in Africa, covering economic and military aid, the visits of top-ranking party and government delegations, and East Germany's efforts to emphasise its anti-imperialist stance. The file also covers discussions held with the Somali ambassador to East Germany concerning representatives of the Somali Salvation Front who were in East Germany to acquire arms; and a decision to close the Tunisian consulate in West Berlin, due to fears that the consul's life may be in danger.
zimbabwe burundi zambia lesotho somalia namibia tunisia third world imperialism international relations military aid official visits economic aid political ideology east germany west germany consulates diplomatic missions West Berlin East German foreign policy East Berlin Oskar Fischer Somali politics Sam Nujoma Namibian politics East German-Zambian relations Basotho-East German relations Tunisian-West German relations East German-Zimbabwean relations East German-Namibian relations Burundian-East German relations

Mentioned Organizations

Collection ID
Burundi Lesotho Namibia Somalia Tunisia West Germany Zambia Zimbabwe
Department Reference
WRE 21/2
Document Type
Correspondence Press and Media Reports
File Reference
FCO 33/5521
The following item has been removed from this file due to copyright restrictions: BBC Monitoring Summary of World Broadcasts, 13.05.1982, EE/7025/A5/1-5.
Persons Discussed
Oskar Fischer Sam Nujoma
Published in
United Kingdom
Subject Countries
East Germany
International Relations

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