
German Democratic Republic (GDR): The Church in the German Democratic Republic, and Church Relations between the GDR and UK

1 Jan 1981

A file of correspondence and reports concerning the position of the church in East Germany. The documents cover events at Evangelical synods in East Germany; the position and administration of dioceses of the Roman Catholic Church in East Germany; and the position of churches as the largest East German organisations not under direct party control. Other documents in the file cover a visit to Britain by Klaus Gysi, the East German State Secretary for Church Affairs, who delivered a speech at Chatham House; the establishment of links between British and East German churches, including a suggestion that an Anglican presence be established in Berlin; and a proposal that the Archbishop of Canterbury visit East Germany to mark the five-hundredth anniversary of the birth of the theologian Martin Luther. The file also includes a despatch on the position of the church in East German society, examining church-state relations, the financing of the church, theological training, and church buildings.
northern ireland united kingdom international relations religion religious education church-state relations speeches religious leaders east germany think tanks church of england public events Anglo-East German relations Neues Deutschland religious buildings Roman Catholic Church Lutheran churches Evangelical churches interfaith relations Robert Runcie Klaus Gysi

Mentioned Organizations

Collection ID
Content from Corrymeela © Corrymeela. Content from Corrymeela © Corrymeela.
Northern Ireland United Kingdom
Department Reference
WRE 226/1
Document Type
Correspondence Memoranda Reports Speeches and Public Statements
File Reference
FCO 33/4734
The following item has been removed from this file due to copyright restrictions: Allgemeiner Deutscher Nachrichtendienst, 18.05.1981, Gespräch mit Erzbischof von Canterbury.
Persons Discussed
Klaus Gysi Robert Runcie
Published in
United Kingdom
Subject Countries
East Germany
International Relations Religion

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