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Democratic Republic of Germany: Visit by Reginald Hibbert (Deputy Under-Secretary of State, FCO) to German Democratic Republic, May 1978

1 Jan 1978

A file of documents relating to a visit to East Germany by the British Deputy Under-Secretary of State at the Foreign and Commonwealth Office, Reginal Hibbert. The file contains a list of briefs compiled in preparation for the visit, covering the internal situation in East Germany, Anglo-East German economic and political relations, developments in disarmament, the internal and external affairs of the European Economic Community, developments in the Middle East, and a personality note on the East German deputy foreign minister, Kurt Nier. Other subjects discussed in the file include Soviet foreign policy; East German-West German relations; and the situations in Namibia, South Africa, and Zimbabwe. Documents in the file include statistics on Anglo-East German trade; British trade with Eastern Europe; a record of a conversation held between Hibbert and the East German foreign minister, Oskar Fischer; and a record of a conversation between Hibbert and the mayor of West Berlin, Dietrich Stobbe.
trade zimbabwe south africa united kingdom elections namibia trade agreements arms control apartheid disarmament dissidents east-west relations economic growth fishing imports international relations official visits statistics berlin domestic politics east germany international organisations association of south east asian nations (asean) european economic community (eec) soviet foreign policy strategic arms limitation talks (salt) Anglo-East German relations british foreign policy Mutual and Balanced Force Reductions (M.B.F.R.) Council for Mutual Economic Assistance (Comecon) East German-West German relations British politics West Berlin East German foreign policy five-year plans East German politics Oskar Fischer Reginald Hibbert David Owen Cyrus Vance Kurt Nier Dietrich Stobbe
Collection ID
Namibia South Africa United Kingdom Zimbabwe
Department Reference
Document Type
Correspondence Reports
File Reference
FCO 33/3423
Persons Discussed
Cyrus Vance David Owen Dietrich Stobbe Kurt Nier Oskar Fischer Reginald Hibbert
Published in
United Kingdom
Subject Countries
East Germany
Domestic Politics International Relations

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