Premium 20.500.12592/vn6c9v

Yugoslavia: Internal Economic Situation in Yugoslavia

1 Jan 1982

A file of correspondence and reports concerning the economic situation in Yugoslavia. The documents cover discussions with Yugoslav officials on the country's current economic situation; the pessimistic views of British officials on Yugoslavia's liquidity and ability to finance its debts; and the financial stability of the Yugoslav banking sector. The file also includes reports on the economic situation and on economic crimes in Yugoslavia; details of meetings with Yugoslav banking executives; a review of International Monetary Fund arrangements to stabilise the Yugoslav economy; a report on the Yugoslav economy in 1981 prepared by European Economic Community economic counsellors in Belgrade; a review of Yugoslavia's economic performance in 1981; and the resolution for the Yugoslav economic plan for 1982. Other subjects covered in the file include Yugoslav currency reform; concerns over the Yugoslav balance of payments; revisions to Yugoslavia's current five-year plan; and an analysis of Yugoslav import procedures and restrictions.
agriculture trade united kingdom coal tourism crime natural gas inflation civil aviation banking chemicals cost of living currency debt repayments economic growth economic planning exports exchange rates imports industry interest rates investments loans shipping metals transportation productivity roads yugoslavia oil fuel electricity supply economics and trade international monetary fund (imf) international organisations international debt economic policies general agreement on tariffs and trade (gatt) anglo-yugoslav relations british foreign policy five-year plans Veselin Đuranović
Collection ID
United Kingdom
Department Reference
Document Type
Correspondence Meeting Minutes Memoranda Press and Media Reports
File Reference
FCO 28/5210
The following item has been removed from this file due to copyright restrictions: BBC Monitoring Summary of World Broadcasts, 29.04.1982, EE/W1183/A/9.
Persons Discussed
Veselin Đuranović
Published in
United Kingdom
Subject Countries
Economics and Trade

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