
Soviet Union: Relations between the Soviet Union and UK

1 Jan 1982

A file containing documents concerning Anglo-Soviet relations. Subjects covered in the file include inconsistency and confusion in Western policy towards the Soviet Union over several years; Soviet efforts to give an impression of "business as usual" during a review of the long-term economic and industrial programme; a call on the British prime minister, Margaret Thatcher, requested by the Soviet ambassador in London, Viktor Popov; and the death of a Soviet deputy foreign minister, Igor' Zemskov, who was scheduled to visit London. Other subjects discussed in the file include the large number of Anglo-Soviet agreements in force; Anglo-Soviet disagreements over embassy sites, local taxes payable by the Soviet trade delegation in London, and other long-standing irritants; and the Soviet attitude to the Falklands War, displaying outright hostility to the British position, and "unprincipled" support for Argentina motivated by economic ties.
human rights trade argentina united kingdom local government taxation arms control east-west relations international relations nuclear weapons treaties soviet union speeches margaret thatcher diplomatic missions economic policies soviet foreign policy Anglo-Soviet relations british foreign policy Argentinian-Soviet relations Julian Bullard Curtis Keeble Igor' Zemskov Douglas Hurd Francis Pym Falklands War (1982) Viktor Popov

Mentioned Organizations

Collection ID
Argentina United Kingdom
Department Reference
Document Type
Correspondence Legal and Treaty Material Meeting Minutes Memoranda
File Reference
FCO 28/5100
Documents or parts of documents in this file were retained under Section 40(2) of the Freedom of Information Act 2000.
Persons Discussed
Curtis Keeble Douglas Hurd Francis Pym Igor' Zemskov Julian Bullard Margaret Thatcher Viktor Popov
Published in
United Kingdom
Subject Countries
Soviet Union
International Relations

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