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Romania: Internal Economic Situation in Romania

1 Jan 1982

A file containing documents relating to the economic situation in Romania. Subjects covered in the file include the worsening economic situation at the end of 1981; mounting foreign debts; a poor harvest; the introduction of rationing; a series of food price rises; the reduction of imports; reports of severe shortages of food and basic supplies, as well as power cuts; and the general attitude of "stoical acceptance" by the Romanian people. Other subjects discussed in the file include the "second economy" of theft, bribery, and corruption; price rises for fuel, postal services, and telecommunications; Romanian efforts to reschedule foreign debts; evidence of Romanian organisations extorting money from foreign companies; an improvement in the balance of trade at the expense of domestic consumption; unrealistic targets in the economic plan for 1983; and government propaganda suggesting that the problems were temporary, and that the situation was worse abroad.
agriculture trade corruption crime natural gas banking black market debt repayments economic planning exports imports postal communications price controls propaganda rationing romania statistics telecommunications oil european integration fuel electricity supply domestic politics economics and trade speeches international monetary fund (imf) international organisations food supplies food shortages international debt economic policies european economic community (eec) Romanian Communist Party Romanian press Nicolae Ceaușescu Romanian politics Romanian government Populations and Social Policy five-year plans Vasile Pungan energy relations Paul Holmer
Collection ID
Content from International Monetary Fund © International Monetary Fund. Content from International Monetary Fund © International Monetary Fund.
Department Reference
ENR 90/1
Document Type
Correspondence Miscellany Press and Media Reports Speeches and Public Statements
File Reference
FCO 28/5062
NATO documents in this file were removed in accordance with international agreements. The following items have been removed from this file due to copyright restrictions: Flac?ra, 23.04.1982 Wharton Econometric Forecasting Associates, 16.07.1982, Review of Romanian economic memorandum to Western banks. Part I Wharton Econometric Forecasting Associates, 23.07.1982, Review of Romanian economic memorandum to Western banks. Part II: balance of payments, trade, and debt statistins and projections Wharton Econometric Forecasting Associates, 28.07.1982, Review of Romanian economic memorandum to Western banks. Part III: energy production, trade, and consumption BBC Monitoring Summary of World Broadcasts, 11.02.1982, EE/6951/C/1-8.
Persons Discussed
Nicolae Ceaușescu Paul Holmer Vasile Pungan
Published in
United Kingdom
Subject Countries
Domestic Politics Economics and Trade Populations and Social Policy

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