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Hungary: Proposed Visit by Lord Trefgarne, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs, to Hungary in June 1982

1 Jan 1982

A file of correspondence and reports concerning a visit to Hungary by the Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, Lord Trefgarne. The documents cover the administrative arrangements for the visit; and the proposed programme for the visit, which will include talks at the Hungarian foreign ministry, a visit to the Hungarian National Bank, and trips to a cooperative farm and an engineering plant. The documents also cover discussion of which Hungarian official should host the visit, highlighting the difficulty of finding a Hungarian politician of similar stature; and discussion of who should take over the visit following ministerial changes leading to the transfer of Trefgarne from the Foreign Office. The file also includes a list of leading members of East European foreign ministries; and a list of incoming and outgoing ministerial visits between the U.K. and Eastern Europe.
united kingdom hungary banking cooperatives international relations politicians official visits state farms british government Anglo-Hungarian relations british foreign policy Hungarian foreign policy Hungarian government David Trefgarne
Collection ID
United Kingdom
Department Reference
ENH 26/3
Document Type
Correspondence Reports
File Reference
FCO 28/4890
Persons Discussed
David Trefgarne
Published in
United Kingdom
Subject Countries
International Relations

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