
Eastern European and Soviet Department: Soviet Influence in Europe

1 Jan 1982

A file containing documents relating to Soviet influence in Western Europe. Subjects covered in the file include a visit to the Soviet Union by the Austrian president, Rudolf Kirchschläger; Soviet criticism of Spain joining NATO; the internment of Soviet prisoners in Switzerland; Soviet criticism of Gibraltar as "a colonial thorn in the side of Spain"; and a dispute between the Soviet and Italian communist parties. Other subjects discussed in the file include the possibility of Soviet interference in Greenland; an assault on a Portuguese journalist in Moscow; a visit to the Soviet Union by the Cypriot president, Spyros Kyprianou; the shooting of two Turkish guards on the border with the Soviet Union; a large Soviet presence in the Belgian city of Antwerp; and the signature of a protocol on procedures in the event of the death of the imprisoned Nazi war criminal Rudolf Hess.
turkey united kingdom belgium cyprus gibraltar portugal luxembourg mediterranean sea greece north atlantic treaty organization (nato) austria border incidents colonies east-west relations international relations ireland italy journalists netherlands referendums prisoners spain official visits switzerland theatre soviet union war criminals european integration greenland speeches international organisations communist party of the soviet union european economic community (eec) soviet foreign policy Western communist parties Leonid Brezhnev Soviet press letters from members of the public Italian press Dutch-Soviet relations Austrian-Soviet relations Border Security and Migration Soviet-Turkish relations Greek-Soviet relations Cypriot-Soviet relations Soviet nationals abroad Belgian-Soviet relations Danish-Soviet relations Rudolf Hess Irish-Soviet relations Luxembourgish-Soviet relations Curtis Keeble Iain Sutherland Anglo-Spanish relations Rudolf Kirchschläger former Nazis Soviet-Swiss relations Spyros Kyprianou Francis Pym John Taylor Spandau Prison David Mostyn

Mentioned Organizations

Collection ID
Content from Gazet van Antwerpen © Gazet van Antwerpen.; Content from Wiener Zeitung © Wiener Zeitung.; The rights holder for content from Warsaw Pact Political Consultative Committee could not be identified. We invite anyone with information about the copyright holder of this item to contact us. Content from Gazet van Antwerpen © Gazet van Antwerpen. Content from Wiener Zeitung © Wiener Zeitung. The rights holder for content from Warsaw Pact Political Consultative Committee could not be identified. We invite anyone with information about the copyright holder of this item to contact us.
Austria Belgium Cyprus Gibraltar Greece Greenland Ireland Italy Luxembourg Netherlands Portugal Spain Switzerland Turkey United Kingdom
Department Reference
EN 21/20 PART B
Document Type
Correspondence Meeting Minutes Press and Media Print Publications Reports
File Reference
FCO 28/4735
Documents or parts of documents in this file were retained under Section 27(2) of the Freedom of Information Act 2000. The following items have been removed from this file due to copyright restrictions: Novosti, 07.12.1981, Do the Russians want a war? Novosti, 07.12.1981, Viktor Samarin Pravda, 03.11.1982, Fruitful Cooperation: Spyros Kyprianou's Speech on Soviet Television Pravda, 03.11.1982, Joint Soviet-Cypriot Communique Pravda, 15.10.1982, The Creative Force of Unity Pravda, 29.10.1982, In friendly atmosphere Pravda, 29.10.1982, President Kyprianou Comes to Moscow on a working visit: President's Arrival in Moscow, Soviet-Cyprian [sic] Talks TASS, 29.05.1982, Soviet-Austrian communique BBC Monitoring Summary of World Broadcasts, 06.07.1982, SU/7070/A1/6 BBC Monitoring Summary of World Broadcasts, 11.06.1981, SU/6746/A4/3 BBC Monitoring Summary of World Broadcasts, 30.09.1982, SU/7144/A1/6.
Persons Discussed
Curtis Keeble David Mostyn Francis Pym Iain Sutherland John Taylor Leonid Brezhnev Rudolf Hess Rudolf Kirchschläger Spyros Kyprianou
Published in
United Kingdom
Subject Countries
Soviet Union
Border Security and Migration International Relations

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