
Yugoslavia: Visit of Blagoj Popov, Prime Minister of Macedonia, to UK, December 1978

1 Jan 1978

A file of correspondence concerning Anglo-Yugoslav relations, focussing on a visit to Britain by the prime minister of Macedonia, Blagoja Popov. The documents cover the arrangements for the visit; details of the Yugoslav delegation; and the programme for the visit, which included visits to places of interest, receptions, and meetings with the British Secretary of State for Trade, John Smith, and the minister of state Goronwy Roberts. Discussions during the visit covered the history of Macedonia; Anglo-Yugoslav relations; Anglo-Yugoslav trade; the situation of national minorities in countries neighbouring Yugoslavia; the situation in Albania; and the Final Act of the Helsinki conference on European security. The file also includes personality notes on the Yugoslav delegation; a draft speech to be delivered by Roberts at an official lunch; and briefs on the internal situation in Yugoslavia, the Yugoslav economy, Yugoslavia's federal system of government, Yugoslav foreign policy, and Anglo-Yugoslav relations.
trade united kingdom local government albania bulgaria greece federalism historiography international relations nationality macedonia politicians official visits yugoslavia domestic politics the guardian helsinki final act ethnic minorities economic policies international conferences anglo-yugoslav relations Yugoslav foreign policy receptions Goronwy Roberts Albanian politics Bulgarian-Yugoslav relations Yugoslav republics Yugoslav government Yugoslav politics Greek-Yugoslav relations Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe (C.S.C.E.) John Smith Blagoja Popov

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Collection ID
Content from The Guardian © Guardian News & Media. Content from The Guardian © Guardian News & Media.
Albania Bulgaria Greece Macedonia United Kingdom
Department Reference
ENU 26/6
Document Type
Correspondence Meeting Minutes Press and Media Reports
File Reference
FCO 28/3593
Persons Discussed
Blagoja Popov Goronwy Roberts John Smith
Published in
United Kingdom
Subject Countries
Domestic Politics International Relations

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