Paramilitary Forces

A paramilitary organization (also listed as quasi military) is a semi-militarized force whose organizational structure, tactics, training, subculture, and (often) function are similar to those of a professional military, but is not formally part of a country's armed forces.



The National Archives · 1 January 1980 English

the country (use of the secret police and paramilitary forces to suppress strikers etc.). U 5 December

The National Archives · 1 January 1976 English

information covers the strength and organisation of Czechoslovak ground forces, including the army, paramilitary forces, the frontier guard, civil defence troops, and the SVAZARM; and the Czechoslovak army's equipment

The National Archives · 1975 German

A file of correspondence and reports concerning the internal situation in East Germany. The documents cover a session of the Volkskammer in which the main agenda item was a new …

The National Archives · 1975 English

A file of correspondence and reports concerning political relations between East and West Germany. The documents cover discussions with West German politicians and diplomats on the current state of relations; …

The National Archives · 1975 English

training and equipment, and logistical support; and the status of Czechoslovak frontier guards, paramilitary forces, and civil defence troops. Further information is provided on the Czechoslovak air force; key

The National Archives · 1974 English

A file of correspondence and reports concerning the internal situation in Yugoslavia. The documents cover a number of political trials, including those of Soviet-backed Cominformists operating in southern Yugoslavia, a …

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