Know Nothings

The Know Nothings were a nativist political movement in the United States in the 1850s, officially known as the Native American Party before 1855, and afterwards simply the American Party. Members of the movement were required to say "I know nothing" whenever they were asked about its specifics by outsiders, providing the group with its colloquial name.



Clara Bewick Colby · 14 March 1891 English

washed away and the pure gold will be left. The Know-nothings broke into the Whig party and sent to Congress

Susan B. Anthony · 15 October 1868 English

Massachusetts to the Know Nothings. The reason was, the people wore too literally know nothings before, if, indeed

W. L. Garrison & I. Knapp · 10 February 1860 English

gullibility of their auditors, like Anti-Masons, Know-Nothings, or some other hypocritical false pretence of

W. L. Garrison & I. Knapp · 30 December 1859 English

over the Union a mushroom party called the Know Nothings. Its origin and history may be traced in this

W. L. Garrison & I. Knapp · 15 July 1859 English

either as Democrats, Republicans, Americans or Know-Nothings, but all came for the purpose of doing their

W. L. Garrison & I. Knapp · 31 December 1858 English

waited upon by a party of Silver Grey Whigs and Know- Nothings, made a patriotis speech, in which he revealed

W. L. Garrison & I. Knapp · 26 November 1858 English

one county where the people are almost all Know-Nothings, McRae, a strong Democrat, had almost every

W. L. Garrison & I. Knapp · 11 June 1858 English

State, such as were born Know Nothings, them also that were made Know Nothings of men, and such likewise likewise as have made themselves Know Nothings for the kingdom of earth's sake; suppose he should, moreoever numerous; and according to the census of the Know Nothings, made by their late Governor, whose reputation inconsistent therewith to raise Irishmen, Democrats, Know Nothings for sale in Massachusetts? If the Constitution

W. L. Garrison & I. Knapp · 28 August 1857 English

heterogeneous mass of materials, Democrats, Whigs, Know-Nothings, Republicans, and 'good, bad and indifferent'

W. L. Garrison & I. Knapp · 10 July 1857 English

who have run away from the Democratic party — Know Nothings and Know Some things, all in one omnibus together

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