Corporal Punishment

Corporal punishment or physical punishment is a punishment intended to cause physical pain to a person. When practised on minors, especially in home and school settings, methods include spanking or paddling. When practised on adults, it may be practised on prisoners and slaves. Punishment for crime by inflicting pain or injury, including flogging, branding and even mutilation, was practised in most civilizations since ancient times. With the growth of humanitarian ideals since the Enlightenment, such punishments are increasingly viewed as inhumane in Occidental societies. By the late 20th century, corporal punishment had been eliminated from the legal systems of most …



The National Archives · 1 January 1979 English

A file containing supporting documents for a meeting of British ambassadors to Eastern European countries, held in London in October 1979. Documents in the file include a table summarising British …

and terror they are forbidden, on pain of corporal punishment, to travel out of the country on their own

The National Archives · 1 January 1978 German

A file of correspondence and reports concerning British policy towards the persecution of Jews in the Soviet Union. The documents include a Council of Europe report on the situation of …

among the Slavs, there ' . should be 'corporal punishment for Russian ' ^'l A l n É n i A women school records. tion and parent choice plus corporal punishment it expects this to change rapidly over the

The National Archives · 1970 English

A file of correspondence and reports concerning personnel changes in Soviet governmental organisations and ministries. The documents cover changes of personnel in state organisations concerned with propaganda and mass communication, …

the Ministry of Justice. He contends that corporal punishment is not the solution to juvenile delinquency

The National Archives · 1957 English

A file containing documents relating to Anglo-Soviet educational exchanges. Documents in the file include a report of a study tour undertaken by British teachers and educational leaders to the Soviet …

firm without being harsh. There is no corporal punishment. A system of awarding marks to pupils on

The National Archives · 1956 Dutch

A file of correspondence and press material concerning relations between the Soviet Union and South Africa. The documents contain two articles in The Manchester Guardian reporting on the expulsion of …

farm without the owner* s permission. Corporal punishment is widespread. When a farm is sold the

The National Archives · 1956 Russian

A file of correspondence, reports, and press material concerning education in the Soviet Union. The documents contain a report produced by Sir William Hayter, the British ambassador to the Soviet …

Britain, one can see how widely spread is corporal punishment in Britain, hor offences of any gravity

The National Archives · 6 March 1955 French

A file containing documents relating to the French Parliament's ratification of the 1954 Paris Accords. Subjects discussed in the file include correspondence between Pierre Mendès-France, the French prime minister, Sir …

towards democra- for secondary teaching. Corporal punishment is now prohibit- cy in education has started

The National Archives · 1955 English

A file of correspondence, reports, and press extracts on education in the Soviet Union. The file discusses the rapid increase in the number of graduates from Soviet universities in recent …

punishment) is evidently effective. There" is no corporal punishment and the most severe measure which can be

The National Archives · 1955 English

(Mailbag, Aug. 18) actually was inflicting corporal punishment on her daugh- ter—age around 12 or 13, appar-

The National Archives · 1 January 1942 English

should be used. Some even demand heavy corporal punishment. Petrol. That even if the Government cannot

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