History of Advertising Trust: O&M wartime book no 2

User icon Taylor Kenkel
26 August 2022
281 items

A file of newspaper adverts from the British government's publicity campaigns on saving coal and other commodities. Topics addressed in the adverts include the saving of fuel for the war effort by domestic and industrial consumers; restrictions on coal allowances; the increase of fuel efficiency in the use of coal, gas, and electricity for heating, lighting, and cooking; and the recruitment of fuel watchers in industry. Other topics covered include the need for overseas trade, including the export of machinery to cover imports of food supplies and raw materials; changes to the provision of clothing coupons, including special provisions for infants and industrial workers; the wearing of white by pedestrians for night-time road safety; air-raid precautions in the home; and post-war recruitment for the Civil Defence Services and the Regular and Territorial Armies. Publicity campaigns represented in the file include Firebomb Fritz; and the Battle for Fuel campaign.

Thought I was on fire watch… honest I did!
The ban on all forms of heating. What the Orders say.
ad in the form of an agenda for Company Directors
These three bulletins show the way to immediate savings
In defence of Britain… How employers can help
Soon you don't hardly notice all this waste heat, Sir
Don't waste gas!
Save fuel for the factories
Extra coupons for older children are ready now
Save fuel for battle
before you light a fire read this warning
Switch off the Electricity whenever you can
Fuel Crisis - towards the way out
Until April please be extra careful
Coal supplies 1st May 1950-30th April 1951
Save fuel at Home. Save fuel at work.
The foundation of all our hopes and plans
How can I save electricity?
Look to these leakages
The obvious still pays a dividend