Weimar & Nazi Germany: Teaching Resources

User icon Peter Ciuffetti
4 September 2024
3 items

Essays and Teaching Resources from the Editorial Board of Weimar & Nazi Germany.


Publication Type



4 September 2024 English

For an understanding of the wider economic and political situation in Germany after the end of the First World War: documents that deal with the revolution of 1918/19, the Versailles …

4 September 2024 English

Germany’s post-war economic crisis culminated in hyperinflation in 1923. The dramatic events that year contribute to shaping the retrospective chronology of the Weimar Republic: the crisis appears to conclude the …

4 September 2024

On 18 November 1919, the two leading generals of Germany in World War I, Paul von Hindenburg and Erich Ludendorff, appeared in front of a special parliamentary investigation committee studying …