History of Advertising Trust: O&M wartime book no 6

User icon Taylor Kenkel
26 August 2022
35 items

A file containing adverts encouraging the donation of scrap iron and steel for the war effort. The adverts take the form of memos, newspapers, and telegrams, and are targeted at a variety of people, including factory owners, farmers, architects, and housewives. The adverts stress how salvaged scrap metals can contribute to the construction of munitions, military equipment, and industrial equipment.

British industry becomes more scrap-conscious
Urgent appeal - nation must have every ounce of scrap…
An appeal to owners of Disused Factories…
Increased need for scrap from farms
The BEF needs your scrap!
The urgency of doing something now about scrap iron
Steel shortage affects the building trade
Urgent appeal - nation must have every ounce of scrap…
more scrap makes steel for our defence
What are we doing about scrap at the works?
…every firm turning out it's old… scrap might be saving …one seaman's life
Iron and steel scrap - answer letter from Min. of Supply
help to replace vital war material
Steel Control appeals to Women's Organisations
and that reminds me - I must see Jim about all our scrap
Clear your scrap and help to win the war
And remember to speak to him about All our SCRAP
Steel scrap collected here…
more scrap makes steel for our defence
Increased need for scrap metal