The Western Woman Voter

The Western Woman Voter

Western Women Voter Publishing Co.

Established to serve all women voters throughout the western U.S., Western Woman Voter began publication following the passage of suffrage in Washington State. Adella Parker, a popular Seattle lawyer and prominent suffragist, was the driving force behind both it and the suffrage movement. It also served as a print forum for Parker’s progressivist sympathies regarding political and social reform. With her suffragist colleagues from California, the publication promised to be –– “a publication primarily designed to be a journal of information for the women voters of the West. It will discuss questions relating to the government of the city and state, questions dealing with the legal rights of women, and with the home, the child and the school, insofar as they are affected by law. It will aim to keep women of each of the suffragist states informed as to the civic activities of women voters elsewhere and will make a special feature of good government news from everywhere.”

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