HAT OM - History of Advertising Trust: Wartime Guard Books

HAT OM - History of Advertising Trust: Wartime Guard Books

History of Advertising Trust

During the Second World War, the British government commissioned a range of advertising campaigns to be circulated in newspapers and other publications, promoting various schemes, initiatives, and public information notices. This series of eleven guard book volumes contains clippings from the advertising campaigns commissioned by the government between 1939 and 1951. The campaigns, published under the official imprint of various departments, reveal the ways in which wartime and post-war initiatives were communicated to the British public, and provide a valuable insight into the government's understanding of – and attempts to appeal to – the concerns of its citizens.

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History of Advertising Trust

Are you rash or sensible?
The ABC of saving - No 10. Post-War Savings
Lucky chap, with a little place of his own
Because we need imports…we must pay with exports
Hurry! Your last chance to buy 3% Defence Bonds
Which Foods do What - No 2. Here's a geed helping
home for the holidays…
Will he come back alive?
My brakes didn't act, officer
Oh what have I done?
Which Foods do What - No 7. Pattern for the day's meals
Which do YOU do? Road Safety No. 32
Common faults or common-sense? Road Safety No. 37
Are you slipshod or sensible? Road Safety No. 38
How do YOU use the road? Road Safety No. 30
Help for employers seeking men for executive jobs
Which do YOU do? Road Safety No. 27
Why Kerb Drill?
Only a few hours to live
Planning your garden!