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Indiscretion of Swiss Consul-General at Munich

15 Dec 1924

Copy sent to Berlin. Confidential. 62 C 19047 183 British Consulate General, No.207. Munich. 15th December, 1924. Sir, I have the honour to refer to Mr. Clive's despatch No.93 of the 4th June relative to the demonstrations which took place in Munich on the 31st May and the 1st June in connect- ion with the celebrations in honour of the 50th anniversary of the Bavarian Kriegsbund. I now learn on absolutely reliable authority that Swiss soldiers in uniform took part in the march past before ex- Crown Prince Rupprecht and that a protest was lodged with the Swiss Consul General by the French Government. It was maintained by the French that Dr. Gustav Heri, my Swiss colleague, was responsible for the appearance of these Swiss soldiers in the parade and I am now informed that at the request of the French Government Dr. Heri is to be placed on the retired list and removed from Munich.. Dr. Heri is also accused of other acts of indiscretion such as lending his support to Hitler and obtaining funds from Swiss sources for the furtherance of the Hitler movement. As a result of unofficial enquiries at the Swiss Consulate General I am informed that Dr. Heri has already resigned. I have the honour to be, His Majesty's Principal with the highest respect, Secretary of State Sir, Your most obedient humble Servant , for Foreign Affairs Foreign Office London. Acting Consul General.
france germany resignation switzerland bavaria adolf hitler munich parades diplomatic officials international relations and foreign policy german-swiss relations consular posts french-swiss relations swiss army
Collection ID
Document Reference
FO 371/9799/39
Document Types
File Reference
FO 371/9799
Former Department Reference
Code 18 Files 668 (papers 2771 – end) – 735 (to paper 3250)
Consular Posts Diplomatic Officials French-Swiss Relations German-Swiss Relations Parades Resignation
Organizations Discussed
Swiss Army
Published in
United Kingdom
Germany: Political Situation in Bavaria, German Prisoners Held by French Forces, and Conviction and Early Release of Adolf Hitler
International Relations and Foreign Policy

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