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Extension to Union of South Africa of Anglo-German agreement of December 31st, 1920

10 Apr 1923

112 COPY. Governor-General's Office CAPE TOWN, 16th March 1923. SOUTH AFRICA. No. 83. My Lord Duke, I have the honour to transmit to Your Grace herewith, with reference to your despatch No. 337 of the 7th December 1922, the document mentioned below on the subject of the suggested extension to the Union of South Africa of the agreement of the 31st December 1920 between the British and German Governments respecting Article 297 of the Treaty of Versailles. I have &c., 2 (Signed) Arthur Frederick.. Governor-General. HIS GRACE THE DUKE OF DEVOKSHIRE. K.G., G.C.M.G., G.C.V.O., &c., &c. Colonial Office, &c., London. Date. 14th March 1923. Description of document. Minute No. 162 from Ministers.
south africa united kingdom credit germany banks business colonies peace treaties international agreements private property german nationals the peace settlement and occupation international relations and foreign policy british-german relations banking, business, and retail treaty of versailles (1919)
Collection ID
Document Reference
FO 371/8813/2
Document Types
File Reference
FO 371/8813
Former Department Reference
Code 18 Files 6485 – 10559
Banks British-German Relations Business Colonies Credit German Nationals International Agreements Peace Treaties Private Property Treaty Of Versailles (1919)
Published in
United Kingdom
Germany: Proposal for a Roman Catholic Congress at Cologne and Miscellaneous
Banking, Business, and Retail International Relations and Foreign Policy The Peace Settlement and Occupation

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