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Polish Semi-military formations in Upper Silesia

23 Feb 1921

236 BRITISH SECTION, 62 INTER-ALLIED PLEBISCITE COMMISSION IN UPPER SILESIA. FO/357 C- Oppeln (Opope) 23rd. February. 1921 MAR 1 1921 My Lord, In continuation of my despatch No. 335 of the 2nd. February 1921, on the subject of the alleged Polish military prepar- ations for an attack on the Upper Silesian Plebiscite area, and more especially with regard to the existence of semi-military formations in Upper Silesia itself (paragraph 3 of the above-men- tioned despatch), I have the honour to enclose herewith a copy of a table purporting to show the organization of the Headquarters of the D.O.P. (Polish Self Defence Commando). 2. According to German reports, the organization shewn in the enclosed table exercises control over the semi-military for- mations established by the Polish Sokols throughout Upper Silesia, and it is said to be in close touch with M. Korfanty, the Pres- ident of the Polish Plebiscite Commissariat. 3. The table itself has been forwarded to me from German sources and cannot therefore be regarded as proof of the existence of this organization. Nevertheless it is certain that some such organization actually exists, as during the August insurrec- tion the mobilization and direction of a large number of the Polish bands taking part in it have been traced to central author- ity located at the Lomnitz Hotel, Beuthen, the headquarters of the Plebiscite Commissariat. 4. I venture to suggest to your Lordship that a copy of this despatch and enclosure be forwarded to the War Office. I have the honour to be, with the highest respect, My Lord, Your Lordship's most obedient, humble Servant The Right Honourable The Earl Curzon of Kedleston, K.G. Etc. Etc. Etc. Foreign Office London. S.W.1.
poland germany paramilitary groups polish foreign policy prussia military, disarmament, and rearmament upper silesia wojciech korfanty
Collection ID
Document Reference
FO 371/5890/19
Document Types
Correspondence Table/chart/graph
File Reference
FO 371/5890
Former Department Reference
Code 18 File 92 (papers 3759 – 4895)
Paramilitary Groups Polish Foreign Policy
Published in
United Kingdom
Germany: Upper Silesian Plebiscite and Industry
Military, Disarmament, and Rearmament

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