(7123) Wt. 22265/5482 15m 7/46 C.&Co. 745(8) (7311) Wt. 30094/5491 21m 10/46 C.&Co. 745(8) THIS DOCUMENT IS THE PROPERTY OF HIS BRITANNIC MAJESTY'S GOVERNMENT The circulation of this paper has been strictly limited. It is issued for the personal use of. TOP SECRET Copy No. 23 J.I.C.(47) 4 (0) (Supplementary T. of R.) 11TH JANUARY, 1947. CHIEFS OF STAFF COMMITTEE JOINT INTELLIGENCE SUB-COMMITTEE ROLE OF THE COLONIES IN WAR Note by the Secretary At their Meeting yesterday,+ the Chief of Staff referred to the letterø from the Colonial Office asking for some indication from the Chiefs of Staff of the type and scale of attack which might be expected to develop against individual Colonial territories, which had been referred to the Joint Intelligence Sub-Committee for examination and report.